Features of the work of customs when handling ozone-depleting substances

Apr 22, 2021, 4:50 PM
1221 (Lomonosov st. 9)


Lomonosov st. 9

oral Environmental Protection Systems Environmental Protection Systems


Mrs Надежда Карпова (ITMO University)


This work investigates the features of the work of customs services in the handling of ozone-depleting substances (ODS). Substances such as hydrochlorofluorocarbons, halons, chlorofluorocarbons, methyl bromide and carbon tetrachloride are ozone-depleting substances that are classified as restricted and / or prohibited refrigerants under the Montreal Protocol.
Countries parties to the Montreal Protocol, the Vienna Convention and, which entered into force, the Kigili Amendment must use a licensing system for imported ozone-depleting substances, since the volume of this group of substances in the country is subject to control and quotas. The successful implementation of any licensing system directly depends on the regulatory services.
These services should be able to identify controlled substances, facilitate their legal access and restrict their illegal sale. The main problem is that there are no mandatory uniform standards for the labeling, names or packaging of ozone-depleting substances or products and equipment that use them. All this leads to a huge amount of diverse information about the appearance of packaged ozone-depleting products, which customs officers must quickly identify.
The customs services are obliged not only to carry out documentary control and inspection of the appearance of counterfeit products, but also to carry out sampling on site to determine the compliance of the substance of the transported substance with the documents.
For sampling at customs control, two types of analyzers are used, established by Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia No. 2509 of December 21, 2010. These refrigerant identifiers use non-dispersive infrared light technology to determine the weight concentrations of selected refrigerant types.
Instruments of this type are usually designed to detect the purity and concentration of only commonly used refrigerants of a pair of names and only detect the content of others with a large error due to the cross-sensitivity of the instrument. There is also a problem in the specific complex use of these analyzers, which can, with a large flow of refrigerant products, especially in summer, lead to malfunctions in the sensitive element and disruption of the test results. A qualitative analysis of existing methods and means of combating the smuggled production of ozone-depleting substances can provide extensive relevant information on the rapidly growing volume of illegal trade in ozone-depleting substances. The results obtained will be used to formulate recommendations for upgrading the existing system and develop a specialized analyzer. List of references
1. Afonin D.N., Kudryashova E.S. Legal framework for customs control of refrigerants in the Russian Federation (Review of legislative acts).
2. Order of the FCS of Russia of December 21, 2010 N 2509 "On approval of the list and procedure for the use of technical means of customs control in the customs authorities of the Russian Federation."
3. B. Whiting, S. Ledent Training Manual for Customs and Enforcement Officers. - UNEP.

Affiliation of speaker ITMO University
Publication Журнал "Вестник Международной академии холода" 
Position of speaker bachelor

Primary authors

Mrs Алина Хамзина (ITMO University) Mrs Надежда Карпова (ITMO University)


Presentation materials