Analysis of the world functional beverage market. A review

Apr 23, 2021, 10:45 AM
1222 (Lomonosov st. 9)


Lomonosov st. 9

oral Food Biotechnology for Human Health Food Biotechnology for Human Health


Mrs Anastasia Ivanova (ITMO University)


At the moment, a promising direction in the food industry is the development of functional food products. Among the existing functional food groups, functional drinks are the fastest growing on the market.
Non-alcoholic drinks are one of the promising forms of therapeutic and prophylactic food products. The soft drinks market is one of the most innovative and actively developing segments of the food industry. More than 8000 new soft drinks have been launched worldwide over the past few year. Market research data show that the leaders in the production and sale of functional drinks are Japan, North America and Western Europe.
The functional drinks market is represented by a wide assortment. In their formulation, various types of plant materials are used, containing a large number of various nutrients and functional substances. At the same time, grain drinks in the general group of non-alcoholic products occupy a small part and are mainly represented by various types of kvass (bread, fruit, berry).
The assortment of more than 100 Russian beverage manufacturers was analyzed, including 54 companies producing syrups, drinks, extracts and functional concentrates. At the same time, 37% are represented by non-alcoholic and low-alcohol non-carbonated drinks, biolimonads, herbal drinks; 22% - juices and syrups for functional purposes; 16% is occupied by the niche of carbonated drinks with unusual organoleptic properties, produced from promising plant raw materials; energy drinks with functional properties (5%), beverage concentrates, dry extracts (3%), tea-based drinks (3%), extracts (hydrolates) (3%), functional kvass (3%), non-alcoholic balsams (2%), sbitni (2%), functional bases for fruit drinks (2%), phytococktails (1%), uzvars (1%).
At the same time, based on the analyzed products, several broad groups of functional drinks were identified: drinks based on sugar substitutes (glucose-fructose syrups, stevia) - 16% of the Russian market of functional drinks, drinks enriched with vitamins (ascorbic acid, B vitamins) and minerals - 22 %. At the same time, the predominant and relevant plant raw materials for the production of drinks are wild rose, hawthorn, chokeberry, ivan tea, ginger.
The global market of functional drinks was analyzed (leading companies in terms of sales volume and assortment). Asia Brewery is the leading company. PepsiCo, Coca-Cola Co, Monster Beverage etc. Also at the moment there are many alternative functional drinks, for example, such as drinks based on algae, in particular microalgae (used in the production of beer and wine), based on kombucha, tea (tea infusions (green and black) (extract)), based on maltose syrup, the Chinese technology of brewing rice wine by dioxidation, excluding the process of soaking rice, gluten-free low-alcohol drinks fermented on the basis of buckwheat malt, as well as with the addition of spicy aromatic raw materials (infusions of barberry, currant, juniper), also produce wine based on vegetables. The development of functional drinks based on malt extracts is relevant.
During the research, it was found that at the moment the market for functional drinks is developing, promising and relevant for the introduction of new tastes and varieties, as well as the use of various plant materials. At the same time, at the moment there is a minimum amount of fortified low-alcohol beverages, such as beer, wine, kvass, which confirms the need to develop enriched drinks of this type with functional properties.

Affiliation of speaker ITMO University
Publication Impact Factor journals
Position of speaker Second year student of master degree, BioTech, Itmo University

Primary authors

Mrs Anastasia Ivanova (ITMO University) Prof. Tatiana Meledina (ITMO University) Mr Vladimir Ivanov (ITMO University)

Presentation materials