Influence of water salinity on the Raman spectra of dissolved gases

Apr 23, 2021, 10:20 AM
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oral Sustainable Use of Natural Resources Sustainable Use of Natural Resources


Mrs Viktoriia Pozdniakova (ITMO University)


Indicators of water salinity are easily recognized markers of climate change and other natural phenomena Similar to atmospheric pressure, the average salinity of the ocean is an important indicator in determining the thermal structure of the ocean, as well as in determining the density of water.
Any natural resource is accompanied by halos of scattering of the main element and can be analyzed using various methods. As a result of the processes of redistribution and concentration of elements, deviations from the background concentrations occur. When analyzing various modern marine hydrocarbon deposits, it was found that the indicator substances are dissolved gases, including nitrogen.
The paper considers the influence of water salinity on the Raman spectra of gases dissolved in water by the example of nitrogen.
Important features of the proposed method: measurement accuracy, in comparison with other methods, wide spatial characteristics, as well as automation of processes. Comparing this method with the existing methods of determination, it was found that Raman spectroscopy has a more spatial characteristic, and can also be used as an in-situ method, which allows detecting the salinity of water remotely.
During the experiments, data were obtained that can later be used as a reference in the study of samples from seawater to determine gas flares, as well as serve as a theoretical basis for the design of lidar systems for remote monitoring. It was found that, depending on the concentration, the spectra change linearly with increasing salinity up to a saturated aqueous solution.

Publication IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Affiliation of speaker ITMO University

Primary author

Mrs Viktoriia Pozdniakova (ITMO University)


Presentation materials