Improving performance of cascade refrigeration system using low GWP refrigerants for some cities in Russia

Apr 21, 2021, 2:00 PM
1222 (Lomonosov st. 9)


Lomonosov st. 9

key Sustainable Cold Chains Sustainable cold chains


Dr Mahdi Deymi-Dashtebayaz (Hakim Sabzevari University)Dr Nikitin Andrew (ITMO University)


Due to the reduction of greenhouse gas and their effects on the ozone layer, using pair refrigerants by low global warming potential (GWP) and zero ozone depletion potential (ODP) in cascade refrigeration system (CRS) has been investigated. In this paper, optimization of CRS to reach the best value of the coefficient of performance (COP), exergy efficiency and total cost rate for some cities of Russia such as Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Sochi, Nizhny Novgorod, and Yekaterinburg is studied. Energy-Exergy economic analysis to evaluate total cost rate is done for R41-R161 as pair refrigerant. Temperature variations of condenser, evaporator and cascade heat exchanger in CRS are optimized using Pareto method. Results show that decreasing evaporator temperature increases COP and exergy efficiency and decreases total cost rate. Finally, the best values of condenser and evaporator temperature are determined based on the highest efficiency and lowest total cost rate.

Affiliation of speaker ITMO University
Publication Impact Factor journals

Primary authors

Dr Mahdi Deymi-Dashtebayaz (Hakim Sabzevari University) Dr Nikitin Andrew (ITMO University)

Presentation materials