Energy efficiency improvement in geothermal hot water supply of residential buildings in Russia

Apr 22, 2021, 5:00 PM


Lomonosov Hall (The ITMO University)
Poster Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Poster on line


Evgeny Buzoverov (JIHT RAS)


This paper is dedicated to study of the efficiency of geothermal hot water supply for space heating systems of Russian localities exemplified by the present system of Mostovskoy settlement, Krasnodar Krai. It is deemed that the conditions under which the existing Russian space heating systems operate are generally unfavorable for the use of geothermal water for space heating needs. This is due to low local price for conventional fuel – natural gas, high temperature of heat carrier specified for space heating systems, and rigid environmental requirements. An additional constraint imposed by the Mostovskoy geothermal field itself is the technical infeasibility to reinject the discharged geothermal carrier. Nevertheless, the urgent necessity for upgrading the present local space heating/hot water supply systems forces to make economic performance calculations in order to select new concepts to leverage.
The first option is a direct supply of consumers with the geothermal carrier as implemented to the date, but with the new geothermal wells drilled, for the fluid pressure tends to drop over the years and it already came to a critical level. There are certain pros and cons of a direct supply solution, but it proved its efficiency under the given conditions. Therewith, the water of Mostovskoy geothermal field has a health-giving effect, which makes it desirable among the local population.
The second option is utilizing geothermal heat via absorption heat pumps. In fact, they were commissioned as an integral part of the system back at the original project phase, but dismantled by the end of their life span, and the system was converted to a direct supply.
The calculations prove the efficiency of geothermal heating system with absorption heat pumps for seasonal residential space heating needs, while the direct use of geothermal carrier is still considered advantageous for domestic year-around hot water supply in terms of Mostovskoy settlement and even highly preferable when implemented in terms of Europe.

Affiliation of speaker JIHT RAS
Position of speaker Senior Research Worker
Publication IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Primary author

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