Apr 23, 2021, 2:15 PM
1223 (Lomonosov st. 9)


Lomonosov st. 9

oral Sustainable Cold Chains Sustainable cold chains


Oksana Medvedeva (SSTU)Mr Sergey Perevalov (Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov)


The economic efficiency of the alternative fuel supply system functioning, which is considered liquefied natural gas (LNG), is determined by the optimal planning of the delivery process to end consumers remote from the main gas pipelines, in accordance with the delivery schedule.
The scale of the liquefied natural gases use is specific for a particular region of consumption. As you know, the most effective means of delivering gas in liquefied form is the use of tank containers, which differ both in the volumes of LNG transported and in the types of vehicles that ensure its transportation on roads with various surfaces.
The transporting tanks, which are usually double-walled tanks with an evacuated annular space, are fully or partially filled with insulating material, which reduces product losses. According to the authors' research, it is possible to improve the operational capabilities of tanks and reduce heat transfer to the transported gas when using the volume of the vessel for transporting liquefied natural gas and refrigerants used in the liquefaction cycle (patent No. 115309).
The transportation of natural gas in a liquefied state is much more economical compared to pipeline transportation. This applies both to the transportation of large volumes of gas over long distances by various modes of transport, and to the delivery of small volumes of LNG over short distances.
At the same time, the advantage of large-tonnage transportation of liquefied gas begins with distances to consumers over 2500–3000 km. The bulk of the costs are for handling operations, and LNG also requires more capital investment in infrastructure at an early stage.
The creation of an LNG infrastructure for low-tonnage transportation will be beneficial in cases where the construction of a gas pipeline is economically unprofitable (due to the difficult terrain, a significant distance of the consumer from the source, the consumer needs gas in small volumes, and other justified reasons). The choice of a gas delivery option in each specific case is carried out by means of a comparative technical and economic analysis.
The development of optimal models for constructing transport services, which will form rational routes and schedules for the transportation of liquefied gas, and provide, ultimately, an increase in productivity and a decrease in the volume of transport resources, serves as the basis for an effective solution to the task. The amount of gas transported during the year by one car is determined by the following factors: the carrying capacity of the car; radius of transportation; organization of labor; the adopted gas distribution scheme.
In accordance with this, the work considers the following possible options:
a) intercity gas transport, when the LNG plant and consumers are located in different settlements;
b) intracity gas transportation, when the plant and gas consumers are located in the same city;
c) one and two-shift work;
d) the possibility of the duration of the voyage for the conditions of intercity gas transport within 16, 24 and 32 hours, that is, respectively, 2, 3, 4 days;
e) operation of motor transport under the best (when the gas is drained from the tanker completely into one underground tank) and the worst (when part of the gas is drained from the tanker) discharge conditions.
The paper proposes a solution to a particular problem of supplying consumers with liquefied natural gas, a logistic model of the optimal functioning of the system for the complex: LNG production plant - consumer is developed. Based on the results of calculations, recommendations were proposed on the optimal radius of gas delivery and optimization of the transport component.

Affiliation of speaker Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov
Publication Impact Factor journals

Primary author


Mr Sergey Perevalov (Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov)

Presentation materials