Apr 23, 2021, 10:30 AM
1223 (Lomonosov st. 9)


Lomonosov st. 9

oral Sustainable Cold Chains Sustainable cold chains


Natalia Shishova


Prediction of reliability and determination of the most probable causes of failure of components of a technical system is carried out at the stage of designing and improving models in order to further optimize structural elements.
The article proposes the use of multivariate analysis for the calculation, design and optimization of structural elements of the developed technical system with a simultaneous assessment of the reliability of units and parts included in the assembly. This analysis is based on finding the most loaded components of the technical system, determination of the degree of influence of various multidirectional factors that have the greatest impact on the efficiency indicator (reliability, lifetime and other factors), and further optimizing the components of the system.
A quantitative and qualitative assessment of the degree of influence of various independent factors on the selected performance indicator is carried out using the statistical method of multivariate analysis of variance ANOVA (Analysis of Variations). This allows to determine the factors that have the greatest impact on a frequent cause of failure under given operating conditions.
As a sample, this article discribes the application of multivariate analysis to determine the degree of influence of independent factors on the lifetime of the rotary microcryocooler with the aim of further optimizing the most loaded unit. The analysis includes the formation of a block of initial data for multivariate ANOVA based on testing of microcryocooler’s samples by four independent factors (rotor speed, ambient temperature, filling pressure, the size of the radial gap in the piston-cylinder pair of the discharge cavity).
At the conclusion the authors resume that multivariate analysis makes it possible to identify the factors that have the greatest impact on the efficiency indicator, the reliability of the technical system and enable to design technical systems for the given operating conditions at the design stage.

Key words: ANOVA (Analysis of Variations), reliability, microcryocooler, lifetime, the efficiency indicator.

Affiliation of speaker myself
Publication Журнал "Вестник Международной академии холода" 

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