The results of assessing dusting of technogenic wastes stored in the Krasnorechensky tailing dump (Primorsky Krai) and the formation of ground level pollutant concentrations in the nearby residential area are presented. The problem of tailing dump dusting is quite serious and has been studied by a number of authors, with a significant scatter of results [1]. To assess the situation, the models and computer codes were used to calculate the processes of aerodynamics and pollutants distribution in different environments (PORFLOW, AQUA3D, COMSOL, FLUENT, etc.). However, for the conditions of mining enterprises in the Far Eastern Federal District of Russia this problem has been insufficiently studied. In this work we used certified methods and programs on which the sanitary and hygienic assessment is focused. Calculation of tailing dumps dusting was performed according to the methodical guide for calculation of fugitive source emissions in the building materials industry (2000) [2]. To calculate the ground level concentrations, the program UPAPE (Unified Program of air pollution estimation) Ecolog – 4.6 was used according to MPEE-2017 (Methods of pollutants emission estimation). Modeling was performed using emission values calculated at wind speed not exceeding in 95 % of cases (U*); at average annual wind speed; at different variants of dusty material humidity (0-0,5 %; up to 1 %; up to 3 %; up to 5 %; up to 7 %; up to 8 %; up to 9 %; up to 10 %; > 10 %). The study considered the elements of hazard class I – Hg, Pb, Zn and As, class II – Cu, Ni, Cr (VI), class III – Mn, as well as inorganic dust 20-70 % – SiO2. The geochemical series of surface concentrations in the atmosphere (mg/m3) within the limits of the tailing dump impact for compounds of heavy metals and arsenic are as follows: Zn, Mn > Pb > As > Cu > Cr > Ni > Co > Hg > Mo. It was found that in the nearest residential area from Krasnorechensky tailing dump the surface concentrations (MPC fr.) of Hg, Zn, As, Cu, Ni, Cr (VI) for all variants are equal to zero. At the residential area of the Krasnorechensky site, it was revealed that the hygienic requirements were exceeded: for manganese compounds – in 1,07-3,3 times (when the wind speed does not exceed in 95 % of cases, the humidity of the material – from 0-0,5 % to 8 %), for lead compounds – in 2,35-34,54 times and for inorganic dust – in 2,56-38,16 times (when the wind speed does not exceed in 95 % of cases, humidity – from 0-0,5 % to 10 %). The maximum contribution to the formation of ground level lead concentrations is made by the old tailing dump facility, for inorganic dust – by the new tailing dump with the wind close to the northeast. The results of the study indicate that dusting of tailings dump contributes significantly to pollution of the environment. Zones of increased technogenic pollution of the air basin and the environment in general are formed, halos of intensive pollution appear in the area of the tailings dump and at considerable distances from them, which causes deterioration of the health of mining settlements population, especially in the areas adjacent to the tailings dumps. The measures to reduce its negative impact on the ecosphere have been developed.
This work was supported by the RFBR [Grant number 20-35-90021]; the State assignment of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation [Grant number: 075-03-2020-121/4]; and the Russian Scientific Fund [Grant number: 15-17-10016].
1. V.A. Masloboev, A.A. Baklanov, S.I. Mazukhina, O.Yu. Rigina, P.V. Amosov Numerical modelling of dusting processes in ANOF-2 tailings impoundment / Bulletin of the Murmansk State Technical University. 2014. Volume 17, No. 2. P. 376-384
2. Metodicheskoye posobiye po raschetu vybrosov ot neorganizovannykh istochnikov v promyshlennosti stroitel'nykh materialov [Guide for calculating emissions from fugitive sources in the building materials industry], Novorossiysk: ZAO «NIPIOTSTROM», 2000, 38 p. [In Russ.]
Affiliation of speaker | Тихоокеанский государственный университет |
Position of speaker | Доцент |
Publication | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science |