Life cycle assessment of the functional nutrition in the context of the circular economy

Apr 23, 2021, 10:15 AM
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oral Food Biotechnology for Human Health Food Biotechnology for Human Health


Kseniia Kuznetsova (Faculty of Biotechnologies (BioTech), ITMO University)Ms Polina Plotnikova


In the dairy industry, when cheese, cottage cheese or casein is produced, whey is produced, the yield of which is approximately 90% of all milk used for the production of these products. In the Russian Federation, only 30% of whey is processed industrially, versus 80% of whey obtained in Western Europe. For a long time, the discharge of whey with industrial waters was considered one of the relatively safe options for its disposal and was widely used in dairy enterprises. But research has shown that this way of solving the problem has a negative impact on the environment. To reduce the environmental impact of dairy production, it is necessary to analyze the possibility of its processing and the demand for the obtained raw materials on the food market. This approach to the issue of waste disposal is within the framework of the circular economy approach.
The circular economy is a model of production and consumption products as long as possible. In this way, the life cycle of products is extended. Unlike the traditional linear economic model based on a «take-make-consume-throw away» pattern, a circular economy is based on the notion that all waste can be considered as valuable resources in an almost closed loop, where products and the materials they contain are highly valued. In practice, it implies reducing waste to a minimum.
The main objective of this study is to analyze the reduction of the environmental impact of the dairy industry in order to use the by-product for the development of functional nutrition.
To achieve the goal of the study, the following tasks were set:
1. Analyze the specialized food market;
2. Investigate the functional and technological properties of raw materials - secondary milk processing products
3. Conduct a life cycle environmental assessment of food
It is known that the growing up of an organism is characterized by a gradual decrease in the intensity of metabolic processes that underlie the vital activity of the organism. Often, most diseases of the elderly are associated with protein-energy malnutrition. Nutrition is the main factor in maintaining normal physiological condition and performance. Whey contains a large amount of whey proteins. Their biological value exceeds the value of all food proteins known in nature. Thus, whey is an excellent base for creating functional food products.
Today, there are a number of brands that produce protein-fortified foods. These nutritional supplements are made from whey powder. Currently, proteins are supplied to the Russian market from Lithuania, Australia and New Zealand. The transport of this ingredient makes a significant contribution to the environmental impact. The assessment of the life cycle as part of the creation of an environmental product declaration shows the need for the development of import substitution in this area and the development of technology for producing protein at domestic enterprises.

Affiliation of speaker Faculty of Biotechnologies (BioTech), ITMO University
Publication IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Primary authors


Kseniia Kuznetsova (Faculty of Biotechnologies (BioTech), ITMO University) Ms Polina Plotnikova

Presentation materials