Antioxidant activities of water extracts of some aromatic plants

Apr 23, 2021, 11:20 AM
1222 (Lomonosov st. 9)


Lomonosov st. 9

oral Food Biotechnology for Human Health Food Biotechnology for Human Health


Mr Ruba Hussaineh (ITMO university)


In this study the effect of extraction conditions,( time –temperature-type of aromatic plants- extraction method), on the antioxidant activity- pH extracts was investigated. The extraction process was carried out using water as a solvent,and also through using ultrasound.
Aromatic plants that have been used : rosemary, a mixture of herbs (black cumin+ oregano), the extracts were prepared by the solvent extraction method, and the ultrasound extraction under the following conditions: time (10-20-30 min), temperature (40-60-80 ℃ ), then pH extracts was estimated by using pH meter, and the radical scavenging activity of all extracts were determined by scavenging of DPPH (1,1-dipheny 2-picrylhydrazyl) radical .It was found that pH extracts increases in the using of ultrasound extraction, also it was revealed that the highest value of antioxidant activity (95.43 %) was when extracts were obtained from rosemary using ultrasound extraction according to the following parameters : (60 ℃,30 min).
Therefore, these conditions could be applied for further extraction for their use in the preparation of medicinal products or functional food.

Affiliation of speaker ITMO university
Position of speaker phd student
Publication IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Primary authors

Dr Elena P. Suchkova (ITMO university) Mr Ruba Hussaineh (ITMO university)

Presentation materials