Simulation modeling of metallurgical flowsheet for processing raw materials

Apr 23, 2021, 10:35 AM
1221 (Lomonosov st. 9)


Lomonosov st. 9

oral Sustainable Use of Natural Resources Sustainable Use of Natural Resources


Mr Azamat Ipmagambetov (Kurmagazyevich)


The problem of increasing the resource productivity of mining and metallurgical production and the environment is gaining great importance throughout the world, due to the level of resource scarcity as the available sources are exhausted. Also, you can use the tendency to improve the formation of technogenic waste as a result of the deterioration of the technological quality of ores and a significant lag in mining and metallurgical processing technologies from the changing characteristics of the raw material base.
The introduction of a system of simulation modeling of metallurgical resource schemes is one of the most promising ways to solve the problem. Such a tool allows you to apply and analyze possible “what if” scenarios, for example, to apply the effect of the development of raw materials entering processing without compromising the production process and to assess the degree of risk and find the most reliable solutions before making real changes to the processing scheme. Virtual experiments with simulation models are cheaper and less time-consuming than experiments with real process flow diagrams.
The main developers of software for creating simulation models are Caspeo, Siemens, KWA Kenwalt, Thermo-Calc, Metsim. When used in accordance with its full potential, the software of these companies allows you to model mining and metallurgical schemes of any complexity. For example, give technological schemes for processing lead raw materials, imagine a complex set of continuous pyro-hydrometallurgical energy-consuming processes. A simulation model of such a scheme, to the main question: what should be the magnitude of the control actions (the ratio between the components in the charge, duration, temperature, mixing intensity) to achieve the best result (maximum metal recovery into the product, maximum productivity, minimum energy or fuel consumption).

Primary author

Mr Azamat Ipmagambetov (Kurmagazyevich)


Marzhan Sadenova (Priority Department Centre «Veritas», D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan State Technical University,) Petar Varbanov (Brno University of Technology, FME, NETME Centre, SPIL)

Presentation materials