The process of distilling miscella (a mixture of a low-boiling solvent and vegetable oil) is one of the most energy-consuming areas in the technology of vegetable oil production. The efforts of modern researchers are aimed at reducing energy costs by improving the technological parameters and designs of the apparatus used for the distillation of oil miscella. Currently, there are two...
Анализ увеличения эффективности аппаратов воздушного охлаждения за счет интенсификации теплообмена
Артемьев Д. В., Зайцев А. В. (Университет ИТМО)
Введение. Широкое применение аппаратов воздушного охлаждения по сравнению с другими системами охлаждения объясняется их простотой и надежностью. Вопросы улучшения процессов теплообмена в таких теплообменниках играют огромную роль с точки зрения...
UDC 58.01/.07
Comparative assessment of the effectiveness of enhancing phytoextraction with heavy metals by creeping clover (Latin Trifolium repens L.) by introducing various drugs that stimulate plant growth and development
© 2021. A.S. Makarova, Associate Professor, E.A. Nikulina, postgraduate M.G. Golenko,
K.V. Pishchaeva
Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of...
Abstract. Nowadays using of the viticulture by-products can play key role as natural additive with antioxidant effect for favourable influence of phenols on human health. Also as an agent to stabilize the color of meat products; however, usage of these additives at high levels could lead to toxicity and cancer originating from the formation of nitrosamines. Currently, application of natural...
Composite materials based on aramid fibers have proven themselves in aircraft construction, shipbuilding and space technology. Clothing for hot production is unthinkable without the use of aramid fabrics. The boundaries of using these wonderful materials are constantly expanding. Manufacturers are especially proud of the use of aramid in the manufacture of body armor and helmets. Fully comply...
The landfill gas (or the biogas) is formed as a result of solid municipal waste (MSW) disposal. The biogas consists mainly of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). The ratio of these gases fluctuates in a fairly wide range but is mainly in the range of 60-70% СН4 and 30-40% СО2. At the same time, the biogas generation lasts tens of years after the closure of landfills thereby having a...
Hydropower is an internationally recognized source of clean and regenerative energy that plays an important role in the world's energy supply. Driven by the ever-increasing demand for energy and global climate change, many countries around the world have chosen to develop hydropower as part of expanding their energy sectors. Small hydropower has a number of unique advantages - it is a mature...
This paper is dedicated to study of the efficiency of geothermal hot water supply for space heating systems of Russian localities exemplified by the present system of Mostovskoy settlement, Krasnodar Krai. It is deemed that the conditions under which the existing Russian space heating systems operate are generally unfavorable for the use of geothermal water for space heating needs. This is due...
Consumption and production around the world are the driving force of the global economy, based on the resources consumption in a way that continues to have a devastating impact on the environment. Socioeconomic progress over the past century has been accompanied by ecosystem degradation that threatens our development and future survival. In this regard, a critical question arises not only to...
Yeast plays a key role in taste and aroma formation of fermented beverages with Saccharomyces cerevisiae being an undisputed leader in the field. However, a special role belongs to the Brettanomyces yeast. On the one hand, it is considered as a contaminant in beverages fermentation, on the other hand, it is generally used in traditional Belgian sorts of beer (lambic, gez, Flanders red ale...
Mercury is an important but poorly understood pollutant. It is naturally present in the environment in soil and plants and enters the atmosphere as a result of evaporation, volcanic eruptions and forest fires. However, one of the main sources of mercury pollution is evaporation from industrial and municipal waste [1].
HgS (s) is relatively insoluble and less volatile than other forms of...
A third of all food products are lost or thrown away every year in the world - about 1.3 billion tons per year, or 7.5 trillion dollars. At the same time, in Russia, according to Rosstat, food losses are 0.6%, and according to experts - more than 40%. To date, according to AKORT (Association of Retail Companies) and X5 Retail Group, Russian retail produces about 700 tons of food waste per...
Humic substances interacting with organisms, including microorganisms, are capable of suppressing their development with an increased content. In a number of works, an increase in the growth of microorganisms of different physiological groups under the influence of humates has been shown. In this regard, a promising line of research is the study of the effect of humate preparations on the...
Currently, one of the most pressing issues is the search and development of ways to obtain alternative environmentally friendly fuel sources. One of the promising and widely discussed directions in the scientific community is the reaction of deoxygenation of fatty acids obtained from vegetable raw materials. Such biofuels can be used both independently and in a mixture of petroleum...
The results of assessing dusting of technogenic wastes stored in the Krasnorechensky tailing dump (Primorsky Krai) and the formation of ground level pollutant concentrations in the nearby residential area are presented. The problem of tailing dump dusting is quite serious and has been studied by a number of authors, with a significant scatter of results [1]. To assess the situation, the...
Thermoelectric energy conversion is a direct method of generating electrical energy through a temperature difference. The source of heat in this case can be any source (e.g. the heat of the human body or the heat of nuclear decay). That makes the thermoelectric generator a unique source of electrical energy. The low efficiency of such a conversion and the high cost of the device restricts its...
Marine seaweeds are attracting great attention all over the world as the main source of 3rd generation biofuels. One of the sources of bioethanol production (the most widely used biofuel in the world - in 2017 its production amounted to 106 billion liters) can be brown seaweeds.
To date, research on the production of bioethanol from brown algae is being carried out in the USA, Norway, the...
Keywords: monitoring systems; harvesting; small rivers; heavy metals; environmental monitoring.
Abstract: Harvesting is extremely destructive for the environment and, in especially, for the large number of water bodies located in the woodlands. The resource-intensive problem of monitoring the conditions of small rivers requires the development of environmental management tools using...
Colloidal stability is still to be one of the critical challenges facing the brewing industry. In brewing, chemical, physicochemical, enzymatic and mechanical methods are widely used to increase the colloidal stability of beer. The physicochemical method is based on the use of stabilizers to remove colloids such as proteins and polyphenols that enter the beer from raw materials such as malt,...
Каротиноиды – это пигменты, продуцируемые фотосинтезирующими организмами и некоторыми нефотосинтезирующими бактериями и грибами. Каротиноиды не синтезируются человеком, но необходимы для нормального функционирования организма, поэтому они должны поступать с пищей. Основным источником каротиноидов являются растения, в основном корни, цветы, фрукты и семена.
Пищевые каротиноиды, в частности...
В работе приведены результаты исследования прочностных характеристик стержня, состоящего из цементно-песчаного раствора с водоцементным отношением (В/Ц) 0,4;0,44;0,49 и 0,54, твердеющего в условиях градиентов температур. Целью данной работы является экспериментальное изучение влияния градиентов температур (Т = +60– (-20) оС) на механические свойства твердеющего цементно-песчаного раствора.
Оливковое масло отличается высокой биологической ценностью, содержит моно- и полиненасыщенные жирные кислоты, фенольные соединения, токоферолы и фитостерины .
Основной причиной ухудшения качества масла, снижения пищевой и биологической ценности в процессе хранения является гидролиз триацилглицеридов (ТАГ) с образованием свободных жирных кислот (СЖК), моно- ди- глициридов и глицерина, что...
***В статье обсуждается метод расчета диссипативной функции как количественной меры необратимости процессов преобразования энергии и материи. Основное внимание уделяется постановке задач и изложению методов их решения, исходя из теоретической модели. Приводится численный пример расчета локальной и интегральной диссипации в диффузионном баромембранном процессе. В качестве мембраны используется...
Абзаев Ю.А., Коробков С.В., Гныря А.И.
В работе проведено 2-D моделирование твердения портландцемента методом конечных элементов в течение 7 дней в условиях градиентов температур Т= +65– (-20)С. Твердение портландцементов на начальных стадиях относится к мультифизическим задачам взаимосвязи тепловых потоков и структурной механики. Перераспределение тепла в портландцементе на начальных...
В работе объектом исследования был модельный тоберморит с водоцементным отношением 0.85, который относится к промежуточным состояниям гидратированного портландцемента. К числу эффективных средств изучения гидратированного тоберморита относится молекулярная динамика (МД), и первопринципное изучение свойств кристаллической решетки. Представляют интерес результаты расчетов термодинамических и...
На сегодняшний день перспективным способом расширения ассортимента, рациона и улучшения качества питания населения одновременно с повышением потребительских свойств изделий является использование продукции, обогащенный видами растительного сырья. Среди продуктов ежедневного потребления особое место занимают хлебобулочные изделия, большую долю которых составляют изделия с пониженной влажностью...
Рыбин А.С.
Научные руководители: профессор Федорчук Ю.М., доцент Минаев К.М.
Национальный исследовательский Томский политехнический университет, г. Томск, Россия
С момента появления и до настоящего времени производство фтороводорода в России является источником неблагоприятной экологической обстановки в местах своего...