Sustainable Use of Natural Resources: 1
- Olga Sergienko (phd)
Sustainable Use of Natural Resources: 2
- Olga Nevidimova
Sustainable Use of Natural Resources
- Olga Nevidimova
The article presents the results of the study of environmental objects and their changes within the boundaries of the impact of closed mining enterprises tailing dumps in the Far Eastern Federal District of Russia (FEFD). It is established, that the studied territory is exposed to intensive technogenic pollution from mineral processing wastes that testifies to irrational natural management...
Excessive food waste (FW) disposal in landfill can pose environmental such as greenhouse gas emission and leaching. Valorisation is a sustainable method that converts FW into value-added products such as soil amendment (compost), reducing FW in landfills and eliminates greenhouse gas emissions. FW contains high levels of nutrients such as C, N, P, K, Ca, and Mg, which are essential for plant...
This work contains the results of calculations and analysis of Siberian Federal District regions major social-ecological-economic statistics based on research of the indicators of the Goal 7 “Ensuring Environmental Sustainability” of UN Millennium Development Goals (MDG). The objectives of this Goal reflect the need to address two main issues to ensure environmental sustainability, namely: 1)...
Today, clearcuts cause the greatest harm to the environment. The consequence of clearcutting is the emergence of: waterlogging of the soil, soil erosion, disturbance of the water and air regime, slower plant growth, animal migration, etc. All these consequences lead to the main problem - the destruction of the ecosystem at the site of felling.
Therefore, the purpose of this work is to reduce...
The Tangier-Tetouan region has become in a few years the 2nd economic pole in the Kingdom of Morocco, thanks to the major structuring projects carried out in the various sectors. This socio-economic development is accompanied by a strong demand for construction materials, which requires a continuous search for new sites to meet the needs of the projects, in progress as well as scheduled.
В последние десятилетия в результате массового усыхания еловых насаждений состояние темнохвойных лесов в Европейской части Российской Федерации стало актуальным объектом исследований. Однако данная проблема актуальна не только для РФ, но Европейского континента в целом, где так же стоит острая проблема гибели темнохвойных лесов.
Следует отметить, что в очагах массового усыхания еловых...
According to the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, opisthorchiasis is a dangerous social threat to Russia today. The Russian Federation territory contains two-thirds of the world area of the causative agent of opisthorchiasis [1]. The largest natural focus of opisthorchiasis is the Ob-Irtysh region, it includes the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous...
Из всех компонентов атмосферного воздуха остаётся слабо изученным аэроионы, а также их изменение под влиянием различных факторов [1,2]. В работах [1,3] авторы указывают на благотворное влияние отрицательных ионов на здоровье человека.
Целью работы является проведение количественной оценки влияния баллоэлектрического эффекта [2,4–6] на концентрацию отрицательных аэроионов на юго-западном...
В горнообогатительной, химической, энергетической, строительной и других отраслях промышленности в настоящее время для обеспечения точности и равномерности дозировки технологических операций используют различного рода стабилизацию свойств сыпучих материалов.
Актуальность работы. В горнообогатительной отрасли промышленности в настоящее время для обогащения руды зачастую применяют флотацию. С...
The most popular in science “Environmental Performance Index” (EPI) is too narrowly specific. EPI might only be popular in a limited number of countries, this research reveals. This index is designed to assess the sustainable use of natural resources and the effectiveness of environmental protection systems. This index has collected the most advanced scientific researches with an impact factor...
The following trends are observed in the structure of human activity in the coastal zone of the Arctic seas of Russia.
1. The role of military (special) activity is beginning to increase.
2. The role of transport environmental management is beginning to increase [1,2]. Nowadays trend towards climate warming has been observed, which, in turn, causes a decrease in the ice content of the ocean...
The article summarizes the results of the multi-year research on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, carbon storage increasing and greenhouse gases limiting in the managed forests of the Far Eastern Federal District (FEFD) in accordance with the Paris Agreement [1]. The forests of the Far Eastern Federal District (FEFD) cover 43 percent of the total forest lands of the Russian Federation, and...
O. felineus is the most common liver fluke on the territory of the former Soviet Union, and opisthorchiasis has a leading role in the morbidity structure of the Russian population among the entire range of infectious diseases. The largest world nature focus of opisthorchiasis caused by O. felineus is in the Ob–Irtysh basin.
Parasitic diseases have been one of the main pathologies on the...
Currently, there is an increased interest in the study of the ecological state of environmental objects in the Arctic territories. The study of soils and soil cover in such studies occupies an important place. Permafrost is a very special, is still poorly understood biological system that is different for a number of properties from the others. They are characterized by a high mosaic and...
В Томской области, как впрочем, и в целом по России, с каждым годом все более остро встает проблема утилизации твердых бытовых отходов (ТБО) – в среднем на одного человека в России приходится более 400 кг отходов в год. Для жителей Томска этот показатель превышает среднероссийский более чем на треть, и составляет 532 кг, только в региональном центре ежесуточно образуется около 4,5 тыс. м3...
Small surface water bodies (SSWB) play an important role in the formation of the territorial channel structure of the locality. The resource potential of SSWB is represented a set of water resources that characterize the biological, fisheries and recreational value of the ecosystem of the locality, which can be used for socio-economic activities, based on minimizing environmental damage. The...
Within the concept of sustainable development, there is a concept of “natural capital”, which considers the country’s natural resources not only in terms of their availability and volume, but also in terms of effective management, rational use and the possibility of attracting investment for the growth of natural capital.
Specially protected natural areas (protected areas or PA) are an active...
Надежность идентификации источников загрязнения компонентов окружающей среды является одной из фундаментальных проблем настоящего времени при разработке программ рационального природопользования и в контроле режимов эксплуатации месторождений углеводородного сырья. Снижение разведанных запасов нефти и газа требует повышения степени извлечения углеводородов из продуктивных пластов путем...
The State Environmental Expertise in the Russian Federation is the most important mechanism for ensuring the environmental safety of planned economic and other activities. The State Environmental Expertise (SEE) is regulated by federal laws and regulations. Regional SEEs are also regulated by regional draft laws. The main legal act which regulate the basic aspects of SEE is the Federal Law No....
Некоторые особенности
ресурсосберегающей технологии получения минеральных швеллеров из твердых отходов сублиматного производства ОА «СХК»
Ю.М. Федорчук, Д.В. Нарыжный, Аниканова Л.А., Саденова М.А., Замятин Н.В.
Национальный исследовательский Томский политехнический университет.
ТГАСУ, ТУСУР, ВКГТУ им.Д. Серикбаева
В настоящее время на промышленных...
In the Dominican Republic, during the last 30 years, drought episodes have been prolonged in the southern, southwest, and northwest regions of the country (Aquino, 2019), threatening the productive capacity of farmers who must also plan and monitor their work with great uncertainty due to the scarcity of agrometeorological information. Given this challenge, we have developed a dataset and a...
Indicators of water salinity are easily recognized markers of climate change and other natural phenomena Similar to atmospheric pressure, the average salinity of the ocean is an important indicator in determining the thermal structure of the ocean, as well as in determining the density of water.
Any natural resource is accompanied by halos of scattering of the main element and can be analyzed...
The problem of increasing the resource productivity of mining and metallurgical production and the environment is gaining great importance throughout the world, due to the level of resource scarcity as the available sources are exhausted. Also, you can use the tendency to improve the formation of technogenic waste as a result of the deterioration of the technological quality of ores and a...
Российская Федерация по запасу и площади леса является крупнейшей державой в мире. Общая площадь лесов составляет 1,2 миллиарда гектаров, а это четверть мировых запасов, что делает Россию крупнейшим преобразователем углекислого газа в кислород.
В интервью ТАСС бывший руководитель Рослесхоза И.В. Валентик отметил, что в 2016 году, спустя 20 лет, был поставлен новый рекорд вырубки леса -...