Clean Technologies: 1
- Marzhan Sadenova (Priority Department Centre «Veritas», D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan State Technical University,)
Clean Technologies
- Marzhan Sadenova (Priority Department Centre «Veritas», D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan State Technical University,)
- Sergey Romanenko (
Study of the using of renewable sources of raw materials is widespread and popularized. It is replacement for raw materials of petrochemical origin. It is due to strengthening of ecological standards. The presence of double bonds in vegetable oils and their derivatives gives a possibility to functionalize them into value-added products. The Wacker type process of vegetable oils and them...
World plastics production increases by 5–6% annually and is projected to reach 250 million tons by 2020. And polyethylene terephthalate (PET) market is the fastest growing one among them [1]. There are many methods of waste PET depolymerization. Physical-mechanical and thermal recycling is the most used way of polyether utilization, but produced product can't be used in food...
Asbestos, in various types and forms, is still widely used in many countries, for many applications, including uses in building materials, various processes, transport devices, etc. However, many countries have banned the use of asbestos in areas where it can be replaced with other materials, for good reason. The basis for such bans was precipitated through published medical data on the...
Throughout the world, there has been an explosive growth in the use of digital technologies in various fields of activity, in addition, the issue of document circulation is now becoming a priority for all organizations. Digital transformation has led to dramatic changes in business, society and the global economy. As a result, new business models appear (on-line entrepreneurship, on-line...
Потребность в создании дешёвых и экологичных способов хранения энергии растет с каждым годом. Для этого повсеместно используются металл-ионные аккумуляторы (МИА). Ключевая проблема при коммерциализации технологии для получения металл-ионных аккумуляторов состоит в поиске электродных материалов с удовлетворительными электрохимическими характеристиками. В связи с этим растет интерес к новым...
BioDom. Autonomous residential module + smart greenhouse, bio-vegetation.
Smart autonomous greenhouse for organic produce, coupled with a living unit for one family. The greenhouse allows growing any kind of fruit or vegetables all year round. Fertilizers are produced from biowaste created by living fish in special aquariums that are also located in the greenhouse. The greenhouse...
Reduction of fuel consumption and lowering harmful gas emissions belong to the category of most important research topics in marine transportation. The former issue is important for all ships, while the latter one is even more emphasized for the vessels operating within highly inhabited areas like short-sea or inland waterway vessels. This paper considers technical, environmental and economic...
Plastic is a material that is used by almost all people on the planet. Its production is based on the polymerization and polycondensation reactions of low-molecular substances extracted from oil, coal, and natural gas. Plastic materials decompose in nature for 100-300 years. For plastics recycling various procedures can be used, but they are either expensive or cause enormous...
Платиновые катализаторы, изготовленные из металлической платины или композитных материалов, содержащих наночастицы платины, применяются в различных отраслях промышленности и в научных разработках. На практике оказываются востребованными платиновые катализаторы, полученные осаждением наночастиц платины на подложки различного типа. Для предотвращения конгломерации и слипания наночастиц обычно...
Оценка функционального состояния (ФС) микроорганизмов – остается актуальной задачей как для биотехнологических производств, так и для оценки экологической обстановки в водных средах. Одним из подходов здесь могло бы быть использования биопотенциалов, в частности мембранного потенциала, который тесно связан с работой ионных насосов, в свою очередь зависящей от состояния внутриклеточного...
Perylenediimide (PDI) dyes - acceptors of well-known organic semiconductor systems [1]. They are often used in organic photovoltaic cells in which low values of the band gap are achieved, but PDI have a tendency to self-aggregate.
The method of surface molecular imprinting [2] to create films on the surface of TiO2 nanoparticles with 1-H-pyrrol-N, N′-bis (3-pentyl) perylene-3,4,9,10-bis...
As a result of the operation of processing and metallurgical plants that process polymetallic ores, a large amount of waste is generated. The reason for this is the low content of non-ferrous metals in them, a decrease in the quality of processed ore.
Throughout of long-term storage of mining waste, geochemical transformations occur, the composition of components changes, new technogenic...
Total Site Hydrogen Integration and Waste Hydrogen Purification for Minimising the Fresh Hydrogen Consumption
Limei Gai*, Petar Sabev Varbanov, Yee Van Fan, Jiří Jaromír Klemeš
Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory – SPIL, NETME Centre, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology - VUT BRNO, Technická 2896/2, 616 69 Brno, Czech Republic,
This paper...
Изменение климата, вызванное накоплением антропогенных выбросов парниковых газов в атмосфере, является одной из приоритетных проблем человечества, окружающей среды и мировой экономики. Проблему изменения климата нельзя рассматривать в отрыве от вопросов устойчивого развития, ответственного ведения бизнеса и ответственного инвестирования. В рамках Повестки дня в области устойчивого развития на...
Резольные фенолоформальдегидные смолы (ФФС) представляют собой продукт поликонденсации фенола с формальдегидом в щелочной среде с избытком формальдегида. Наиболее часто они применяется при производстве фанеры и древесностружечных плит [1]. В виду увеличения спроса на синтетический фенол и потенциального истощения запасов ископаемых ресурсов замещение фенола возобновляемым сырьём становится...
According to the US Geological Survey, the world's known silver reserves at the end of 2020 are 500,000 tons, silver production in 2019 was 26,000 tons, and in 2020 - 25,000 tons. If the same growth rate continues in the future, world silver reserves may be depleted within 15 years.
In 2020, silver was used in electrical engineering and electronics - 28%; jewelry and silver items - 26%; coins...
The article presents the results of research on the elemental status of children and adolescents living within the boundaries of the closed tin mining, city-forming enterprise of JSC "Solnechny GOK". The quantitative content of heavy metal and arsenic compounds in tin ore processing waste and soil was determined. The connection of changes in the elemental status of children living in the...
The increase of CO2 level becomes a global problem of 21st century leading to the actual request for new advanced materials and methods of CO2 utilisation [1]. Here, we propose the hybrid plasmonic catalyst for CO2 transformation to carbonates with quantative yields at ambient conditions, in contrast to commonly applied elevated temperature and pressure [2]. Proposed catalyst presents the...
In the research paper presented the information of the Pb and Cd space fields indicated depth-area inhomogeneous distribution of heavy metals in the sludge pit of the oil cluster in KHANTY-Ugra. The greatest amount of concentration is marked in the places of dumping the drilling waste. On the basis of the research can be made a preliminary conclusion: the maximum concentration observed in the...