Environmental Protection Systems: 1
- Svetlana Tungatarova (D.V. Sokolsky Institute of Fuel, Catalysis and Electrochemistry)
Environmental Protection Systems: 2
- Svetlana Timofeeva
According to modern estimates, the largest contribution to global warming is made by carbon dioxide, while its share is 60–70%. However, studies of the last decade also indicate a large impact on the planet's climate of "short-lived climate pollutants", which mean climate forсing substances with "lifetimes" in the atmosphere from several days to several years. These pollutants include black...
В докладе представлена информация по работе ВНИИМ им.Д.И.Менделеева по разработке и внедрению средств метрологического обеспечения автоматических измерительных систем (АИС) для контроля промышленных выбросов.
Приведены сведения о новом подходе государственного регулирования воздействия предприятий на окружающую среду, которые изложены в Федеральном законе «О внесении изменений в Федеральный...
The aim of the work is to assess the environmental risks of the metallurgical production unit on the example of the foundry shop of the steel melting enterprise OOO "Production Company" (Irkutsk).
Technological processes of casting production are characterized by a large number of operations that have a significant negative impact on the environment.
The object of the research is a...
Many regions of Russia and especially of the Siberian Federal District belong to the territories with unfavorable ecological situation. These regions are characterized by increased morbidity of the population caused by the impact of industrial, transport, and agricultural infrastructure (fuel and energy complex, petrochemical, aluminum production, forestry, etc.). Carcinogenic factors of...
В современных условиях , когда на планете распространяется и не щадит миллионы людей вирус SARS-CoV-2, резко возрастает количество медицинских отходов.
В соответствии с материалами лондонской инструкции по обращению с отходами лечебно-профилактических учреждений (ЛПУ) понятие «медицинские отходы» включает в себя любые отходы, образующиеся в результате деятельности медицинских...
The oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) has attracted the attention of researchers due to the fact that it underlies many technologically important processes. However, despite the large volume of research, important fundamental gaps remain in understanding the key stages of the ORR, which is associated with a multi-stage reaction and a large number of factors, which effects on the kinetics. Part...
Abstract: The results of field and analytical studies of oil-contaminated soils of floodplain ecosystems of Western Siberia are considered. The purpose of this study is to identify the features of the content, chemistry and type of distribution of readily soluble salts (including toxic compounds) in the soils of floodplain ecosystems under conditions of local pollution with oil and oil...
В настоящее время сохраняется потребность в совершенствовании технологии извлечения золота как из руд, так и месторождении самородного золота поскольку в литературе констатируется факт снижения добычи золота как невозобновляемого ресурса. При дражной добычи золота микрочастицы золота оказываются в отвалах и нужна технология, позволяющая эффективно извлекать золота из отвалов. Такой...
Topic “Environmental Protection Systems”
Abstract. The work is devoted to the research of the process of measuring substances that negatively affect on the ozone amount in the atmosphere. The analysis of chemical-climatic models of the atmosphere used in environmental monitoring is carried out. Mathematical methods for calculating the effect of freons on the ozone amount is considered....
In this paper the concept of environmental risk was investigated. The analysis of the legal framework governing the implementation of various types of activities in the Arctic region was carried out. Recommendations to reduce the environmental risks probability during the reconstruction of fossil fuels deposits were developed.
The increased anthropogenic load on the Arctic region is...
Liquid alkaline (AFC) and anion exchange membrane fuel cells (AEMFC) are among the most promising solutions for converting chemical energy into electrical one. However, today there are several problems that prevent their commercialization, one of which is the use of expensive Pt metal as electrocatalyst for the electrode reactions, in particular at the cathode. However, it was shown that it is...
One of the strongest and most common chemical contamination is heavy metal contamination. Heavy metals accumulate in the soil, especially in the upper humus horizons, and are slowly removed during leaching, consumption by plants, erosion and deflation - soil blowing.
In connection with the intensification of environmental pollution, due to the increase in the technogenic load on the soil, the...
Abstract: This article examines the issue related to the concept of environmental innovation. In the framework of this study, an analysis of environmental innovations as part of the innovation ecosystem was carried out. The relationship between sustainable development and green growth is analyzed. Innovative environmental activity is considered as a set of measures (aimed at improving...
One of the most pressing problems, both for the drainage basin of Lake Baikal and for the natural waters of the entire country, is pollution with biogenic elements (urea, ammonium, nitrates, phosphates, etc.), surfactants and detergents. Baikal water has a very weak mineralization. In this regard, an increase in the concentration of nutrients, surfactants and detergents can initiate the...
Abstract. Air purity is an important factor for all living organisms. As a result of its active development, humanity has created many anthropogenic sources for the pollution of the environment in which it lives, for example, industrial facilities, vehicles, power plants. According to the requirements of the legislation, emissions from anthropogenic objects do not exceed the maximum...
Научный руководитель:
П. С. Королев
В работе представлена функциональная схема портативной станции мониторинга качества воздуха на основе сенсора частиц PM2,5 и PM10 (используется датчик SDS011) и датчика измерения давления, температуры и влажности (используется BME280).
Тема здоровья человека очень актуальна в последнее время. Экология в целом, и чистота...
The use of solid household waste as fuel in the housing and utilities sector
S.V. Golobokov Ph.D., Associate Professor, I.A. Lesin,
T. J. Brostilov Ph.D., Associate Professor, Buynov D.A.
"Penzа State University"
Annotation. The work considers the technology scheme and the equipment for the processing of solid household waste into gas fuel. The calculations of feasibility indicators...
This paper presents a mathematical model of the process of pollution of the aquatic environment with oil products at the rupture of an oil pipeline crossing a river bed. To describe this process, Reynolds equations are used for turbulent flow. The discrete analog is obtained using the finite volume method. As a result of the numerical solution, the influence of the river parameters and the...
One of the factors contributing to the environment negative impact of poultry factories is the presence of unpleasant smelling substances in the air emissions of these enterprises. These smells are causing a significant problem for the employees of the poultry farmы, as well as for the residents of nearby settlements. The growing number of complaints from people living nearby to the ...
The problem of chemical safety and sanitary air protection is particularly relevant due to the increase of harmful emissions of industrial enterprises, which have a strong toxic effect. Toluene, xylene and ethyl-benzene are major part of the solvents used in various industries, which are present in gaseous emissions. Results of the development of catalysts based on Ni, Cu, and Cr supported on...
The ecosystems of rivers basins of the Onega Peninsula are a representative model for studying the impact of forest management on the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems of northern taiga. The upper and middle parts of the river basins are located in the middle of the peninsula, the lower - in the coastal parts. The seaside parts of the peninsula are included in the specially protected natural...
Active forest cuts affect ecosystems of the northern European taiga, including river ecosystems. In order to preserve valuable ecosystems, scientifically sound spatial planning of felling is perspective. Scientific information on the effects of logging on river ecosystems of the northern edge of the taiga zone is few, it concerns mainly biotic components. Regular biodiversity observations in...
В последние десятилетия наблюдается прирост производства и потребления, и как следствие, образование и накопление отходов из полимерных композиционных материалов на основе древесностружечных плит (далее ДСтП), согласно статистическим данным [1], в России только в 2019 г. Их объем производства составил более 10 млн м3.
На сегодняшний день проблема утилизации отходов ДСтП остается нерешенной,...
Нарушения вводно-химического режима оборудования ТЭС, котельных и в тепловых сетях всегда приводят к ухудшению эксплуатационных и экономических показателей энергетических установок и ведут к перерасходу топлива, выходу из строя оборудования и т. д. Таким образом, целью данной работы является подбор ингибиторов при коррозии стали ВСтЗсп в водных средах теплоэнергетических установок и...
В настоящей статье рассматриваются тенденции раскрытия климатической информации российскими компаниями, включая описание основных факторов, стимулирующих их к управлению климатической повесткой; определены наиболее важные события в сфере климатической политики и запросы заинтересованных сторон, наиболее существенно побуждающие корпоративный сектор активно внедрять инициативы в области...
This work investigates the features of the work of customs services in the handling of ozone-depleting substances (ODS). Substances such as hydrochlorofluorocarbons, halons, chlorofluorocarbons, methyl bromide and carbon tetrachloride are ozone-depleting substances that are classified as restricted and / or prohibited refrigerants under the Montreal Protocol.
Countries parties to the Montreal...
The modern level of development of the psychological and pedagogical science presupposes their integration into the educational area of "life safety". Humanization of technical education makes it possible to expand the possibilities of using modern pedagogical technologies in the process of teaching for Master’s degree in the "Management of Technosphere Safety" specialization. Respectively,...
В работе рассматривается алгоритм измерения размеров твёрдых частиц в газах методом оптической микроскопии. Описываются экспериментальные исследования и приводится анализ результатов измерений.
Введение. Сжатый воздух широко используется в пневматических магистралях и пневматическом оборудовании в аппаратах и приборах, применяемых в нефтедобывающей, энергетической, оборонной, пищевой...
Риск-ориентированный подход, внедряемый в настоящее время на объектах нефтедобычи, предполагает определение категорий и критериев риска, периодическую переоценку риска на основе актуализированных нормативно - правовых документов. Категории риска присваиваются объекту на основании двух факторов: оценке потенциального вреда при игнорировании требований и степени негативных последствий;...