Enviromentally-Frendly Energy Conversion and Supply: 1
- Vladimir Gubin (Tomsk Polytechnic University)
- Kirill Larionov (Tomsk Polytechnic University)
Enviromentally-Frendly Energy Conversion and Supply: 2
- Vladimir Gubin (Tomsk Polytechnic University)
Enviromentally-Frendly Energy Conversion and Supply: 3
- Vladimir Gubin (Tomsk Polytechnic University)
- Kirill Larionov (Tomsk Polytechnic University)
Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) method is used worldwide for the low-cost production of engineering and functional materials such as advanced ceramics, intermetallics, catalysts and magnetic materials. The method exploits self-sustaining solid-flame combustion reactions for the internal development of very high temperatures over very short periods. It therefore offers many...
Для определения потенциала выработки солнечной энергии часто используют карты ресурсов солнечной энергии. Эти карты создаются на основе спутниковых снимков и интерполяции данных наземных метеорологических станций, которые часто сильно удалены друг от друга, а их данные не всегда точны. Данные на картах не всегда имеют высокое качество и достаточный масштаб, чтобы быть надежной опорой для...
В настоящее время одной из основных мировых экологических проблем является загрязнение окружающей среды промышленными и коммунальными отходами, в том числе горючими. Только в России на полигонах хранится более 94 Гтонн отходов. Их относительно высокий энергетический потенциал, а также необходимость снижения загрузки полигонов и улучшения экологической обстановки характеризуют перспективы...
Renewable energy sources can play a significant role in solving energy and environmental problems. The most important source is the energy stored in vegetation. To reduce the impact of greenhouse gases on the planet's climate, industrialized countries are actively encouraging the replacement of fossil fuels with biofuels. However, the by-products of harvesting and processing of wood, due to...
A significant number of oil fields are located in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, whose border runs along the Arctic circle. The development of such deposits is complicated not only by the peculiarities of climatic conditions, but also by the distance from powerful energy systems. Consumers of energy resources are technological processes of oil production, reservoir pressure...
The area of St. Petersburg is about 144,000 hectares, of which industrial areas occupy 24% of urban land. The historical center of the city is surrounded by the so-called "gray belt", which is a zone of industrial enterprises that are unsuitable for further use for their intended purpose and that have come to an emergency condition. It was formed in the following way: enterprises were moved...
For energy supply and sewage treatment of villages in the countryside, cottage settlements and even separate buildings it is necessary to build additional energy and sewage treatment plants, with associated complex design work. In most cases, after deterioration or obsolescence of these stations, it is necessary to carry out major repairs and reconstruction or conservation, followed by the...
На сегодняшний день предположение о том, что будущее транспорта тесно связано с эксплуатацией жидкого биотоплива и развитием процесса его производства, имеет серьёзные основания. Однако биотопливо может быть эффективной заменой традиционным видам топлива только тогда, когда затраты на его производство ниже или энергетически эквивалентны затратам на бурение и переработку нефти. Развитие новых...
Ageev V.A., Ph.D., Golobokov S.V., Ph.D., Divnenko A.A.,
Brostilov T.Yu, Ph.D., Aleksandrin A.A.
Mordov State University by N.P.Ogarev, Penzа State University
Annotation. The work examines how to connect a solar power plant to district distribution networks and ways to improve the efficiency of electric energy.
Keyword: Solar power...
Decreasing of shelf oil and gas reserves forced on companies to move the production to the deepwater, where using of floating platforms becomes difficult. Weather conditions are issue of great importance is such projects too, especially in Arctic regions. Subsea technologies which are safer and more ecologically friendly become more suitable.
Production and transportation of hydrocarbons is...
The pyrolysis is the widespread technological solution for the processing of various wood wastes [1] which allows obtaining three different products in solid, liquid and gaseous phase. Liquid product of biomass pyrolysis is called bio-oil. While the pyrolysis could be either exothermal or endothermal, sometimes supplying of additional heat is required. The combustion of bio-oil obtained could...
Abstract. The investigation was carried out on “small” hydroelectric power plants, which cause great damage to nature. Damp-free hydro-installation environmentally friendly solution proposed. It can be found in zones, which can be used to provide energy for small-scale, time-fed farms, camps, temporary events and similar meetings. It is designed for the transformation of the river's flow...
Annotation. The article discusses the possibility of developing a model of the process of controlling the parameters of the functioning of a steam generating unit of small-scale power generation based on the use of fuzzy logic methods in conditions of uncertainty for the optimal distribution of raw materials and fuel and energy resources. Introduction.Currently, the fuel and energy complex...
В настоящее время более 30 % всей производимой тепловой и электрической энергии в мире вырабатывается из угля. При этом при добыче и переработке угля образуется более 20% отходов. Отходы угольной промышленности только в России превышают 260 млн. тонн и представляют собой крупные техногенные скопления полезных ископаемых, ежегодный прирост которых составляет 3 млн. тонн.
Выбор сценариев в...
The overall production of beer products in Russia in 2019 amounted to about 14 million decaliters. Production of beer products involves a large amount of various resources consumption (both energy and manufacture), which leads to a significant amount of waste and CO2 emissions.
Currently, one of the successful approaches to reducing solid-phase waste from such production is their use in...
Designing the district's electricity supply system
with the integration of hydrogen energy facilities.
Ageev V.A., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Lebedyantsev A.A.,
Golobokov S.V., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Trifonov G.K.
Penzа State University, Mordov State University, N.P.Ogareva
Annotation. The work addresses the design of district distribution networks and the practical use of wind...
Аннотация. Распределенная генерация энергии (РГЭ) на сегодняшний день является перспективным направлением в энергетике. В статье обозначены возможности применения распределенной генерации для электроснабжения промышленного предприятия, обозначены существенные достоинства РГЭ для промышленности.
Ключевые слова
Электроэнергетика, распределенная генерация, газопоршневая установка, инновации,...
The work is devoted to the analysis of the efficiency of the radial power supply system. The scheme of the radial power supply system includes three substations of the Kamensky district of the Penza region, the load of transformers is taken on the basis of data from the interactive map of the load of power centers.
Energy efficiency is a set of characteristics that reflect the ratio of the...
Согласно различным источникам сегодня на климат нашей планеты оказывается сильное техногенное давление, оказываемое, по существу, существующими технологиями основанными на горении. В первую очередь это тепло- и электро- генерирующие установки и транспорт, в которых используется сжигание различных видов топлива.
Как известно существуют источники энергии традиционные (основанные на...
Энергетические ресурсы и снабжение
Вначале следует сказать - и очень четко - что
общий объем мировых энергоресурсов не
не представляет фундаментальной проблемы в будущем
Нефть и природный газ. Диссертация М. Бойто,
согласно которому нефть по-прежнему будет ресурсом
преимущественно энергичный на протяжении первых
половина 21 века была единодушна. Поставка масла и его...
Anaerobic digestion is the biological degradation of organic waste in sequential phases, which produce energy-rich biogas as the primary end product. The anaerobic digestion system has shown a positive impact in mitigating greenhouse gas emission and improving resource utilisation. The biogas production is affected by different operational conditions and the organic waste characteristic,...
The Russian Federation has a large territory, which is located in different climatic and zones. There are settlements, which are situated at a considerable distance from each other, in remote areas, given the shortage of basic vital natural resources, such as water, food, and energy. Such regions are located in the Far North, the total area of which is 70% of the entire territory of Russia....