The assessment of the level of pollution of slime pits with heavy metals

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1222 (Lomonosov st. 9)


Lomonosov st. 9

Poster Clean Technologies Clean Technologies


Sergey Romanenko (


In the research paper presented the information of the Pb and Cd space fields indicated depth-area inhomogeneous distribution of heavy metals in the sludge pit of the oil cluster in KHANTY-Ugra. The greatest amount of concentration is marked in the places of dumping the drilling waste. On the basis of the research can be made a preliminary conclusion: the maximum concentration observed in the field of drilling discharges into the sludge pit, with a gradual decrease in concentrations in remote locations from the discharge point.

Affiliation of speaker TPU
Publication IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Primary author


Sergey Romanenko ( Dr Igor Romantsov (TPU) Prof. Alexandra Nekhorosheva (Ugra State University)

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