Reliability ensuring of heating to prosumer based on searching the optimal ratio of its own heating source capacity and reliability parameters of DHS components

Apr 23, 2021, 12:35 PM
1224 (Lomonosov st. 9)


Lomonosov st. 9

ITMO University
oral Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency


Ivan Postnikov


The problem is formulated as the development of methodological support for the analysis and optimization of the reliability of heating to prosumers of district heating systems (DHS), taking into account the additional functional redundancy provided by its own heating sources (HS). Some theoretical and practical issues of prosumer technology application in district heating are considered in [1–3]. The methodical formulation of the problem is determining the optimal ratio of the values of reliability parameters of DHS components and the HS capacity of prosumer, providing the required level of heating reliability with minimal costs for the system reliability supporting and the operation of prosumer HS under the admissible values of the parameters and conditions. A mathematical model is proposed for solving the problem of optimizing the reliability of heating to prosumer taking into account the functioning of its own HS. The methodology is based on the use of mathematical optimization methods, reliability theory, markov random processes, theory of hydraulic circuits (THC).
The reported study was funded by RFBR, project number 20-08-00488 А.

1. Brange L., Englund J., Lauenburg P. Prosumers in district heating networks – A Swedish case study. Applied Energy 2016, vol. 164, p. 492–500.
2. Brand L., Calvén A., Englund J., et al. Smart district heating networks – A simulation study of prosumers’ impact on technical parameters in distribution networks. Applied Energy 2014, vol. 129, p. 39–48.
3. Postnikov I. Methods for optimization of time redundancy of prosumer in district heating systems. Energy Reports 2020, vol. 6(2), p. 214–220.

Affiliation of speaker Melentiev Energy Systems Institute of SB RAS
Position of speaker Senior Researcher
Publication Impact Factor journals

Primary author

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