Variation of Temperature in Transmission District Heating Network Augmented with a Regulation of a Radiator Temperature in a Building and Substation Heat Metering

Apr 22, 2021, 2:20 PM
1224 (Lomonosov st. 9)


Lomonosov st. 9

ITMO University
oral Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency


Mr Stanislav Chicherin (Omsk State Transport University )


The main goal of the paper is to ensure a district heating (DH) network durability, energy efficiency and reduction of fossil CO2 emissions by means of supply temperature decrease. The paper discusses a network temperature modulation required to keep a temperature of indoor air constant. The differential heat transfer equations are introduced as the building indoor air energy balance is transient and nonlinear. A linear heat flow is applicable by the partial differential equation. The paper describes the performance of a developmental water temperature versus ambient temperature curve employing a novel solution to simplify and automate the production balancing of Omsk DH system. The referred dataset shows that with a baseline of instructional control curve proposed to operate a network as a function of an ambient temperature the supply temperature is usually set too high. Whilst most of operators take a decrease of an outside temperature as a need to increase a DH network supply one, we suggest avoiding peaks. The implied supply temperature curve is a smoother curve that cuts the heat load peaks. The data obtained is broadly consistent with the major trends of a real-time simulation and dynamic optimization. The simulation results indicated that an indoor air temperature was stabilized around 20°C for September to December, although it was difficult to maintain a comfort temperature somewhere due to malfunctioning. One more thing is that when common procedure is that the leak is repaired urgently, our approach cuts down on costs. From the research that has been undertaken, it is possible to conclude that the designed approach guarantees less complicated operation and maintenance. The study and understanding of weather-temperature profiles cannot be overestimated due to large savings. The proposed method can be readily used in practice, albeit the complete analysis involves some labor, unless simplifying approximations can suffice. In our future research we intend to concentrate on higher resolution data, for instance hourly profiles of service water and radiators circuit temperatures.

Affiliation of speaker Omsk State Transport University
Publication Impact Factor journals

Primary authors

Mr Stanislav Chicherin (Omsk State Transport University ) Dr Andrey Zhyikov (Siberian Federal University) Dr Mikhail Kolosov (Siberian Federal University) Prof. Lyazzat Junussovaс (Non-profit JSC Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications) Madina Aliyarova (Non-profit JSC Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications) Prof. Aliya Yelemanova (Non-profit JSC Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications)

Presentation materials