Ecosystem approach and environmental innovation

Apr 21, 2021, 4:50 PM
1221 (Lomonosov st. 9)


Lomonosov st. 9

oral Environmental Protection Systems Environmental Protection Systems


Ирина Дмитриева (магистр ITMO)


Abstract: This article examines the issue related to the concept of environmental innovation. In the framework of this study, an analysis of environmental innovations as part of the innovation ecosystem was carried out. The relationship between sustainable development and green growth is analyzed. Innovative environmental activity is considered as a set of measures (aimed at improving environmental safety). The paper also discusses the basic principles of sustainable development. As information resources, we used periodical, analytical and translated literature, which investigated the issues raised in the work. As a result, it was concluded that in the modern world, great attention is paid to green technologies.
Introduction: The ecosystem aspect in the implementation of the process of innovative economic development has been applied relatively recently. It was created based on the concept of the innovation environment and the innovation system. The main characteristic feature is a large degree of self-organization of the subjects, which leads to the optimization of absolutely all innovation processes and further innovative development.
Environmental innovation and the modern world: A research paper on the natural advantages of nations [2], deals with the evolution of innovative growth cycles since 1785. So, around 1990, the fifth cycle began, including developments in the field of biotechnology, and by 2020, the sixth cycle of development has already been assigned. This cycle has a direct link to renewable energy and biomimicry (borrowing from nature, by converting these ideas into technologies), which will mean the active use of green technologies and environmental innovations around the world.
Environmental innovations are technological and social innovations in the field of rational use of natural resources, environmental protection and the formation of ecological thinking among citizens in the framework of joint economic and environmental development [3].
The promotion of innovation on a global scale contributes to solving not only economic problems, but also environmental ones, in particular, the rational use of natural resources. Because of this, complex and global innovations of various types and levels are of great importance, the implementation of which should be important and dynamic. Intensive use of environmental innovations can be considered an alternative method of overcoming the critical phenomena of the modern economic system. Purposeful development of the economy in the areas of "greening" and the search for sustainability will have a positive effect on a whole set of social factors that determine the main criteria for assessing the level and quality of life of the population.
Sustainable development and green growth: Sustainable development also harmonious development, balanced development is a process of economic and social change in which the exploitation of natural resources, the direction of investment, the orientation of scientific and technological development, personal development and institutional changes are coordinated with each other and strengthen the current and future potential to meet human needs and aspirations.
Basic principles of development: the principle of eco-efficiency (definition of tasks, goals and performance indicators that could comprehensively characterize the current situation, justify the need to achieve results taking into account environmental and economic factors); the principle of resource conservation (decision-making taking into account the conservation of natural and human resources); the principle of unity (coverage of all subjects of economic relations of the process); the principle of intersectorality. In the work "Green Growth: An Environmental Technology Approach", dedicated to the study of green growth using econometric methods [4], much attention is paid to environmental problems: water scarcity in the world, depletion of natural resources, pollution, biological consequences – natural disasters.
Conclusion: The trend of increasing the use of environmental innovations is observed all over the world. Each country has its own special views and motivation for the transition to the use of environmental innovations and green technologies, but most of them are already fully aware of the importance of adopting such technologies.


  1. Илюшкина Е.С., Конюхов В.Ю. Классификация экологических инноваций // Вестник ИрГТУ. – 2018. – N 7. – С. 66.
  2. Etzkowitz H. The Triple Helix // Innovationin Action – 2008. P. 180.
  3. Leydesdorff L. The Triple Helix of University–Industry–Government Relations // Encyclopedia of Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship – 2012.
  4. Lundvall В.A. National Innovation Systems // Towards a Theory of Innovation and Interactive Learning – 1992. Vol. 176. P. 20.
Affiliation of speaker master student
Publication IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Primary authors

Ирина Дмитриева (магистр ITMO) Mrs Ралия Юльметова (ITMO, candidate of chemical sciences)

Presentation materials