Environmental risks in the development and modernization of fossil fuels deposits in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation

Apr 21, 2021, 4:20 PM
1221 (Lomonosov st. 9)


Lomonosov st. 9

oral Environmental Protection Systems Environmental Protection Systems


Elena Bykovskaia (ITMO University)


In this paper the concept of environmental risk was investigated. The analysis of the legal framework governing the implementation of various types of activities in the Arctic region was carried out. Recommendations to reduce the environmental risks probability during the reconstruction of fossil fuels deposits were developed.

The increased anthropogenic load on the Arctic region is associated not only with the production and with transportation of hydrocarbons, but also with the construction and reconstruction of the fields themselves. Currently, there is no any no unified methodology for assessing environmental risks. In this regard, the study and analysis of environmental risks that can cause irreparable damage to the Arctic region is one of the urgent tasks.
The purpose of this work is to identify and assess environmental risks in the development and modernization of fossil fuels deposits in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.
The following tasks were set еo achieve this goal:
- to analyze the features of the Arctic zone;
- to identify environmental risks in the development and modernization of fossil fuels deposits in the Arctic zone;
- to assess environmental risks and give recommendations how to reduce them.
Reconstruction of deposits is a forced measure in order to improve energy efficiency and efficiency of the deposit as a whole. Reconstruction typically allows extracting the remaining gas or oil with better equipment. The technological sequence of the production of the main construction and installation includes several processes and almost all types of work can damage the environment.
During the production of construction and installation the law of the Russian Federation "On environmental protection", decisions of administrative bodies on environmental protection and rational use of natural resources in the region, as well as other federal laws are observed, but this fact only reduces, but does not completely exclude possible environmental risks and damage to the environment.
Since the environmental risks that may arise during reconstruction are not excluded, they were assessed in terms of the damage degree and the probability of risk occurrence. Before assessing environmental risks during the field reconstruction, the main sources and factors of negative impact on the environment were identified.
Based on the listed factors, possible environmental risks were identified and analyzed. As a result, tables that describe environmental risk, recommendations for reducing the probability of its occurrence and recommendations for reducing the negative impact on the environment have been developed.

Affiliation of speaker ITMO University
Publication IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Primary authors

Elena Bykovskaia (ITMO University) Mrs Marina Kustikova (ITMO University) Aleksandra Maiurova (ITMO University) Irina Timofeeva (ITMO Universiry) Mrs Ekaterina Tyurikova (ITMO University)

Presentation materials