Environmental education for sustainable development on the example of developing an educational module "Conscious Consumption" for non-core specializations

Apr 22, 2021, 5:00 PM


Lomonosov Hall (The ITMO University)
Poster Environmental Protection Systems Poster on line


Elena Bykovskaia (ITMO University) Irina Timofeeva (ITMO Universiry) Aleksandra Maiurova (ITMO University)


Consumption and production around the world are the driving force of the global economy, based on the resources consumption in a way that continues to have a devastating impact on the environment. Socioeconomic progress over the past century has been accompanied by ecosystem degradation that threatens our development and future survival. In this regard, a critical question arises not only to strengthen the measures to prevent environmental damage, but also to train professional personnel who can do this. At the same time, an important component is education and awareness of non-core specializations on this issue, since ensuring an acceptable level of negative impact of anthropogenic factors on the environment and humans is possible only through knowledge and personal responsibility. Environmental education and awareness are the basis for ensuring environmental safety.
The relevance of the project lies in the necessity to develop the personal responsibility of population through practical experience. There are many educational courses for students on sustainable development, but they are either for specialized areas, or provide a theoretical basis that is difficult for a student to apply in practice.
The developed module “Conscious consumption” forms the necessary basis for understanding the patterns of production and consumption, rational use of resources, human influence on the environment. The module allows you not only to listen to a course that includes such modern concepts and concepts as: Sustainable Development, circular economy, zero waste, fast and slow fashion, microplastics, greenwashing, eco-shaming, eco-anxiety, and others, but also to master daily “eco-habits” through practical work.
The main goal of the “Conscious consumption” module is to create an ecological culture through a deep systemic transition based on personal responsibility and understanding of one's place in the environment. The key to improvement of all areas of human activity lies in a conscious lifestyle. The project team has done a lot of work on the preparation of theoretical material on the project topic as well as its adaptation for the modern generation. An extensive analysis of the available materials on the project topic was carried out; as a result, a detailed list of additional modern materials was compiled, including blogs, documentaries and services that facilitate the understanding of the concept of Sustainable Development and the transition to mindfulness in the choice of goods and services.
Based on the received feedback the authors received confirmation that the module really deserves the attention of young people and its topic is relevant and in demand.

Affiliation of speaker ITMO University
Position of speaker teacher
Publication IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Primary authors

Elena Bykovskaia (ITMO University) Irina Timofeeva (ITMO Universiry) Aleksandra Maiurova (ITMO University) Mrs Marina Kustikova (ITMO University) Mrs Svetlana Banar (ITMO University)

Presentation materials