Renewable energy sources can play a significant role in solving energy and environmental problems. The most important source is the energy stored in vegetation. To reduce the impact of greenhouse gases on the planet's climate, industrialized countries are actively encouraging the replacement of fossil fuels with biofuels. However, the by-products of harvesting and processing of wood, due to their high moisture content, low energy density and extremely heterogeneous particle size distribution, are classified as difficult to burn fuels. A promising direction for upgrading biomass processing wastes is their granulation, which makes it possible to increase their calorific value by 2.5–3.5 times, and their transportability by 3–4 times. This direction has been intensively developing in Russia since the beginning of the XXI century. Russia's energy potential in the field of bioenergy exceeds that of any country in the world. To ensure the most efficient production of wood pellets, a comprehensive energy tests of an industrial line for pelleting by-products of sawmill production was carried out. The efficiency of the drying line with a heat generator using bark and wood fuel and their impact on the environment have been investigated. The change in thermal characteristics and fractional distribution of wood raw in the process of granulation has been studied. Electricity costs for the main and auxiliary equipment of each production site have been determined. Recommendations are proposed for reducing the specific consumption of fuel, electricity and emissions of harmful substances in the production of biofuel.
Affiliation of speaker | Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov |
Position of speaker | Head of the Department, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences |
Publication | Impact Factor journals |