For energy supply and sewage treatment of villages in the countryside, cottage settlements and even separate buildings it is necessary to build additional energy and sewage treatment plants, with associated complex design work. In most cases, after deterioration or obsolescence of these stations, it is necessary to carry out major repairs and reconstruction or conservation, followed by the construction of new stations. It is also impossible to move them with reusing in case of a decrease in the number of subscribers of these stations. Not to mention the fact that the use of traditional energy often has environmental consequences. This is especially concerns the recreational areas, like The Baikal Nature Territory in the Irkutsk Oblast.
In the result of our research a complex mobile independent power stations was developed, which will allow to solve the above problems.
This station contains renewable energy equipment for producing heat and electric energy. Besides there are a wastewater treatment plant, which allows expanding the functionality of the station.
Previously, studies on the heating capacity of the installation and its possibilities for wastewater treatment were carried out and presented. The next stage of research is estimation of the electricity power produced by the mobile station, both for own needs and for the needs of the end user. Solar panels and microbial-fuel cells are used as the main power generators in the station. It is planned to use a diesel generator set as a backup electricity source.
Affiliation of speaker | Ikutsk National Research Technical University |
Publication | Impact Factor journals |