Within the concept of sustainable development, there is a concept of “natural capital”, which considers the country’s natural resources not only in terms of their availability and volume, but also in terms of effective management, rational use and the possibility of attracting investment for the growth of natural capital.
Specially protected natural areas (protected areas or PA) are an active part of natural capital, which means that there is a real possibility of influencing its development. The World Congress on Protected Areas (1992) called on governments to ensure that “... through international cooperation by 2000, protected areas cover at least 10% of each of the biomes”. This recommendation became the motto of the environmental movement and an incentive for countries to expand the PA system. The establishment and development of a protected areas network is a reliable indicator of sustainable development.
Omsk region is an important logistics, industrial and agricultural region of the Siberian federal district of the Russian Federation. Omsk region is located in the south of the West Siberian Plain in the middle course of the transboundary Irtysh River, covers an area of 141.1 thousand km2, which is 0.82% of the area of Russia.
According to data for December 2020, 26 protected areas operate in the Omsk region, of which 20 are of regional and 6 are of local importance. The total area of protected areas is 5640.17 km2, which is only 4% of the total area of the region. These protected areas belong to the following categories: state natural reserves - 16, natural park - 1, natural monuments - 5, protected natural object - 1, natural recreational complexes - 2, other categories - 1. There are no federal protected areas. Most of the protected areas (22) are located in the forest-steppe zone of the Omsk region.
Compared to 2015, the number of protected areas of the Omsk region decreased by 9 (mainly due to a reduction in nature monuments), and their area decreased by 2.04% of the area of the region. The decrease in the number and area of protected areas indicates unsustainable environmental management in the region.
The sound management of the PA network will demonstrate the effective use of the natural capital of the Omsk region and, as a result, the successful functioning of the concept of sustainable development in the region. Given the identified shortcomings in the PA network of the Omsk region, it is necessary to:
- Expand the PA area to 10 per cent of the region;
- increase the number of PA in the taiga and steppe zones of the region.
Affiliation of speaker | Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin |
Position of speaker | Graduate student |
Publication | Impact Factor journals |