Apr 21, 2021, 5:00 PM
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Poster Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Poster at site


Elizaveta Kuznetsova


The use of the energy potential of solid municipal waste (MSW) in our country requires serious consideration, which is confirmed by the Strategy for scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation on the priority "environmentally friendly resource-saving energy, new energy sources" and the Strategy for the development of the industry for the processing and disposal of production and consumption waste for the period until 2030. Even though in the known hierarchy of waste the waste-to-energy process is assigned an insignificant role, in connection with the development of a circular economy, the attitude towards energy production from waste is changing, and it is beginning to be considered as an important supporting process. Interest is also growing in the use of incineration, provided an energy is recovered, gaseous emissions are cleaned, and environmental impacts are reduced.

The aim of the research is to assess the energy efficiency of using solid municipal waste and RDF fuel based on them on the example of St. Petersburg.

An organizing the separate collection of waste by the population in St. Petersburg, followed by sorting at waste sorting complexes and removing valuable fractions from waste, it is possible to produce RDF-fuel containing non-recyclable polymers, paper, cardboard, textiles, leather, rubber and wood. The combustion of RDF will allow obtaining an additional thermal and electric energy, reducing the consumption of energy fuels, emissions of flue gases, including CO2, in the replaced power plants and significantly reduce waste disposal at landfills.

The average morphological and elemental composition of solid municipal waste in St. Petersburg and the typical composition of RDF fuel from MSW, the lower caloric value of which reaches 18.38-26.25 MJ / kg, are given. Based on the data obtained, energy efficiency indicators were determined for the following options for obtaining energy from waste: 1) using an incinerator with a rotary drum kiln, and 2) using layered furnace for burning organic waste as a part of energy complex based on hot water, steam and thermal-oil boilers. For the generation of electrical energy, the use of steam engines and ORC units is considered.

The following indicators were obtained for the considered of waste-to-energy options from sorted MSW and RDF-fuel. With a waste capacity of 1000 kg/ h at the incinerator with a rotary drum kiln and a waste-heat boiler the heat utilization coefficient amounts up to 0.7, taking into account gas cleaning, and the fuel saving is up to 2600 t of fuel equivalent. The use of a layered furnace as a part of energy complex with the waste-heat boiler or with power boilers will increase the heat utilization factor to 0.8.

Affiliation of speaker Saint-Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics
Position of speaker master
Publication Impact Factor journals

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