Advantages of the single-unit apparatus for distilling miscella of vegetable oils

Apr 22, 2021, 5:00 PM


Lomonosov Hall (The ITMO University)
Poster Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Poster on line


Mr Aleksey Fedorov (ITMO University, Faculty of Biotechnologies (BioTech) )


The process of distilling miscella (a mixture of a low-boiling solvent and vegetable oil) is one of the most energy-consuming areas in the technology of vegetable oil production. The efforts of modern researchers are aimed at reducing energy costs by improving the technological parameters and designs of the apparatus used for the distillation of oil miscella. Currently, there are two fundamentally different approaches to the implementation of the process of distilling miscella: multiple-unit and single-unit design of apparatus. Due to the design features of the single-unit installation, it is possible to rationalize the movement of material flows, as well as to increase the number of heat and mass transfer surfaces assigned to the unit volume of the device, thereby increasing the efficiency of their work. In other words, the occupied production area is reduced. The movement of the liquid, in most cases, is organized due to the forces of gravity. External transport pipelines and, accordingly, heat losses in them are almost excluded. With minimal losses, energy resources are reused. Calculations of material and energy balances at all stages were performed to make an objective comparison of the energy efficiency of multiple-unit and single-unit installation for distilling miscella. At the same time, the direct costs of heating and evaporation, fractional and partial condensation of the vapor mixture, pumping of liquid, overcoming hydraulic resistances, and vacuuming were considered as much as possible. The advantage of a single-unit apparatus from the position of effective mass and energy transfer is shown in this work.

Affiliation of speaker ITMO University, Faculty of Biotechnologies (BioTech)
Publication Impact Factor journals

Primary authors

Mr Alexander Lisitsyn (All–Russian Research Instiute of Fats) Alexander Fedorov (ITMO University) Mr Sergey Volkov (All–Russian Research Instiute of Fats) Mr Alexander Novoselov (ITMO University, Faculty of Biotechnologies (BioTech) ) Mr Aleksey Fedorov (ITMO University, Faculty of Biotechnologies (BioTech) )

Presentation materials