BioDom. Autonomous residential module + smart greenhouse, bio-vegetation.

Apr 22, 2021, 3:05 PM
1222 (Lomonosov st. 9)


Lomonosov st. 9

oral Clean Technologies Clean Technologies


Andrey Temerov


BioDom. Autonomous residential module + smart greenhouse, bio-vegetation.

Smart autonomous greenhouse for organic produce, coupled with a living unit for one family. The greenhouse allows growing any kind of fruit or vegetables all year round. Fertilizers are produced from biowaste created by living fish in special aquariums that are also located in the greenhouse. The greenhouse provides the living unit with heat and hot water, while solar modules generate electricity. Cold water is taken from a well. Wastewater flows to a biological septic tank. The building does not consume energy from external utility supplies. It does not emit CO₂. The building can be energy positive and provide surplus hot water, heat, and electricity. It uses proprietary solutions and know-how, which may vary depending on the installation area.

Smart greenhouse – bio-vegetarium
The building allows minimization of the human labor and saving of energy resources by making use of cutting-edge technologies and proprietary solutions.
The growing of berries, fruit and vegetables is largely autonomous, minimizing the human labor required and providing the residents with free time for their family. The building allows transferal of CO2 from the living unit to the bio-vegetarium and extraction of oxygen (O2) from the vegetarium to the living unit. Therefore the living territory becomes a healthier place for the residents.

Food security
In addition to its other features, the building allows growing inexpensive quality produce for more than one family. The residents of the bio-vegetarium’s living unit can sell surplus fruit and vegetables at any time. The produce can be sold for a higher price considering the use of only organic fertilizers from fish biowaste and the absence of harmful additives. The fish can also be used in cooking, or sold live or as a prepared product. Therefore the building ensures food security for the family.
It helps to save money on increasingly expensive food and fuels.

Our project lowers CO2 emissions to zero!
All CO2 from human activity in the living unit is transferred to the bio-vegetarium to be consumed by plants. Then the oxygen (O2) produced in the bio-vegetarium is sent back to the living unit and into the atmosphere.

The building footprint is 96 sq. meters. The living area is 50.4 sq. meters. The building is suitable for a family of 4–5 members. The greenhouse area is 60 sq. meters. The greenhouse beds are placed on several tiers, which allows growing several times more plants than traditional placement.

The building materials used are the simplest, most organic, and of the highest energy efficiency.
They include polycarbonate, metal, concrete, rock wool for insulation, wood, and energy-saving windows.
Energy-efficient technical solutions include proprietary developments, know-how, and smart house automation.

Affiliation of speaker JJJ AltEnergy
Position of speaker director
Publication International journal «Resource-Efficient Technologies»

Primary author


Mrs Nadegda Temerova (manager)

Presentation materials