Puffing and micro-explosion in composite droplets

Apr 21, 2021, 4:15 PM
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ITMO University
oral Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency


Dmitrii Antonov (Tomsk Polytechnic University)


Micro-explosion effects in composite droplets make it possible to improve integral characteristics of secondary atomization processes in the combustion chamber, increase completeness of fuel combustion, reduce ignition time delay, and diminish anthropogenic emissions [1]. The purpose of this work is experimental and theoretical researches of micro-explosion effects in composite (water/fuel) droplets.
The experimental researches of micro-explosion effects of composite droplets was carried out by varying the temperature of the gaseous medium (473–773 K) [2]. The influence of the gaseous medium temperature and fuel/water concentration on the time delays of droplets fragmentation was investigated. Composite droplets were generated and placed on the holder using Finnpipette Novus electronic single-channel dispensers (ranges 0.1–50 µl variation step of the generated volume 0.01 µl). The initial droplet volume in the experiments ranged from 1 to 15 µl. This was in agreement with the range of radius variation from 0.5 mm to 1.5 mm. The studied composite droplets were placed on steel holder with a diameter of 0.2 mm, which was introduced into the high-temperature gas flow using a motorized manipulator.
The problem of micro-explosion simulation in composite (water/fuel) droplets was examined with using model for puffing/micro-explosions in water/fuel emulsion droplets [3]. The developed mathematical apparatus can be helpful in developing high-temperature gas-vapour-drop technologies associated with ignition and combustion of liquid and slurry fuels.

This study was supported by a Scholarship from the Russian Federation President (Project No. SP-447.2021.1).

[1] S.S. Sazhin, Modelling of fuel droplet heating and evaporation: recent results and unsolved problems. Fuel, Vol. 196, pp. 69–101, 2017.
[2] D.V. Antonov, M.V. Piskunov, P.A. Strizhak, Breakup and explosion of droplets of two immiscible fluids and emulsions. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 142, pp. 30–41, 2019.
[3] Z. Nissar, O. Rybdylova, S.S. Sazhin, M. Heikal, A.R.B.A. Aziz, M.A. Ismael, A model for puffing/microexplosions in water/fuel emulsion droplets. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 149, 2020.

Affiliation of speaker Tomsk Polytechnic University
Position of speaker Postgraduate student
Publication Without publication of the article

Primary author

Dmitrii Antonov (Tomsk Polytechnic University)

Presentation materials