The COVID-19 pandemic, which swept over most countries worldwide, brought considerable challenges to many areas of human activities. Besides the crucial challenges – medical services and treatments, they have also been societal, political and economic issues to be dealt with.
Even under this critical situation, when the priorities considerably shifted in the fight for the survival of the population, the environmental impact should not be neglected. As many studies and advanced research developments have been demonstrating, the pandemic can be used as an inhibitor for a positive change and if properly managed as an innovation accelerator that triggered the six innovation wave.
However, the impact on the environment has varied in different parts of the world based on specific conditions. This contribution has been overviewing three parts of the world: The European Union, which despite its variety of presently 27 countries act legally and politically as one unit; the Russian Federation and a sample of a highly developed city-state in South East Asia – Singapore.
Based on the previous research results (see the list of references), environmental footprints based on integrated environmental methods, including Life Cycle Assessment are exploited for the quantification. They include waste, especially plastic waste needed for fighting the COVID-19, disinfection requirements, profound impact of the logistic and the rise of new, technologically advanced, human activities, mainly related to the e- prefix.
The conclusions are stemming from summarising the experience gathered in different countries and provided some assessment for the final, hopefully, phase of the battle with the virus and the starting points for the recovery, which should use the “creative destruction" opportunity to boost the innovation wave.
This research was supported by the EU project “Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory – SPIL”, project No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000456 funded by EU “CZ Operational Programme Research, Development and Education”, Priority 1: Strengthening capacity for quality research has been acknowledged and by Tomsk Polytechnic University Competitiveness Enhancement Program grant Number VIU-RSCABS-199/2020, executed via the collaboration contract No.9627 with the Tomsk Polytechnic University from 17/09/2020.
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Publication | Without publication of the article |
Position of speaker | Professor, Head of SPIL |
Affiliation of speaker | Head of Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory (SPIL) NETME CENTRE, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Brno University of Technology - VUT Brno Technická 2896/2, 616 00 Brno, Czech Republic |