Apr 22, 2021, 4:20 PM
1224 (Lomonosov st. 9)


Lomonosov st. 9

ITMO University
oral Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency


Yury Krivoshein


Urbanization of Northern territories of Russia is associated with the continuous growth in the thermal and electric energy production. The restricted use of fossil fuels in energy production is explained by their depletion, extraction and transportation costs. However, the main reason of the restricted use of fossil fuels is the susceptibility of Northern territories to contamination by combustion products of these fuels, since the territory restoration afterwards requires a long period as compared to other regions. These circumstances necessitate the use of wind and solar power in the life-support systems throughout the year. A promising trend in natural gas saving is, therefore, the year-round use of hybrid solar hot-water systems.
This work explores а problem of construction of hybrid solar hot-water systems and the efficiency of solar energy generation, storage and use with regard to real climatic conditions such as permafrost (Yakutia, Yakutsk) and seasonally frozen (West Siberia, Tomsk) soils of the Northern Russian territories. The distance between Yakutsk and Tomsk is over 2500 km.
The proposed mathematical model of solar irradiance is additionally provided with real meteorological data for these cities. The developed software allows analyzing the flows of the radiant energy over the surface of solar collectors with south-facing orientations under optimum tilt angles. The paper presents new theoretical calculations and experimental data on cooling the external heat pipe solar collectors after sunset and their heating after sunrise depending on their heat capacity, the coolant circulation being absent. Also, new theoretical calculations and experimental data are obtained for the temperature conditions of internal pipes and a hot water storage tank of the solar system depending on room temperature, heat gain and loss across the exterior wall systems.
Research findings are used to update the mathematical model of and design procedure for the hybrid solar hot-water systems intended for the Northern Russian territories.
The enhancement of hybrid solar hot-water system in Zhatay district (Yakutsk city), an energy-efficient urban locality, increases the annual solar radiation from 30 to 50% and reduces the nonproductive natural gas consumption at least by 25%.

Affiliation of speaker TSUAB
Publication Impact Factor journals

Primary author


Stanislav Boldyryev (Tomsk Poltechnic University) Yury Krivoshein Alexander Tolstykh Alena. .Petrova (Российская Федерация, Томский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет)

Presentation materials