Analysis of topological complexity of process stream systems in an oil refinery

Apr 23, 2021, 10:45 AM
1224 (Lomonosov st. 9)


Lomonosov st. 9

ITMO University
oral Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency


Prof. Leonid Ulyev (D.Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia )


Energy consumption in the chemical and petrochemical industry is one of the critical factors that contribute to global pollutions. Heat exchanger network aimed to solve the problem of efficient energy use and improve the recovery of the available heat. The design of industrial exchanger network is essential and the long-term solving problem.
In this paper, the analysis of initial process stream sets was performed to get the most appropriate topological region for heat exchanger network design. The methodology proposes Pinch-based algorithm for estimation of the exchanger and stream splitting for all possible topological areas. The criteria of stream system complexity and specific coefficient of stream splitting were proposed to characterise networks of different processes.
The algorithm can be utilised by super targeting procedure for better precision of reduced capital cost and optimal temperature approach for network synthesis. The methodology was tested at the real industrial units, and most sustainable topological region for exchanger network synthesis was selected. The topology sensitivity was analysed in terms of energy price fluctuation and emission generation.
The developed methodology is used to determine the distribution of various initial topologies of process streams within heat process integration depending on the minimum driving force of heat transfer, assuming the existence of vertical heat exchange in the entire range of Tmin.
The oil refinery units with the largest number of initial topologies of the process stream system have been determined. It can be crucial in analysing the flexibility of heat exchanger networks and its resistance to changes in process parameters and operating modes.
The obtained distributions of the initial topologies made it possible to determine the number of necessary stream splitting for various topologies. Thus, this allowed increasing the accuracy of super targeting procedure and selecting optimal topology of heat exchangers network.

Publication Impact Factor journals
Affiliation of speaker D.Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia

Primary authors

Prof. Leonid Ulyev (D.Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia ) Stanislav Boldyryev (Tomsk Poltechnic University)

Presentation materials