Sustainable Use of Natural Resources/Рациональное природопользование
- Elena Khamidullina (Irkutsk National Research Technical University)
Sustainable Use of Natural Resources/Рациональное природопользование
- Elena Khamidullina (Irkutsk National Research Technical University)
Sustainable Use of Natural Resources/Рациональное природопользование
- Elena Khamidullina (Irkutsk National Research Technical University)
Pyro-metallurgical metals refining, starting from poly-metallic ores is an energy-intensive and slow process. Usually, the production in Kazakhstan results in lead as the main product, also extracting other valuable metals as side products – including gold, silver, zinc. Considering the large flow rates of the processed materials, and the high monetary values of the side products, it is...
Strategic direction in the development of metallurgy is to increase labor productivity, the integrated use of raw materials, the extraction of valuable components and the improvement of product quality. One of the main steps to achieve the objectives of the lead production is the processing of lead-containing industrial products and additional recovery of valuable components. Improving this...
The article discusses the innovative solution of the issues of reclamation of dusting surfaces of the tailing toxic waste from the tin ore processing of the closed mining enterprise in the Primorsky Territory of the Far Eastern Federal District. It is shown that the large amounts of enrichment waste accumulated in the last century during the intensive development of tin mineral deposits led...
Слюда - один из самых распространенных минералов, используемых в различных отраслях промышленности. Иркутская область располагает большими запасами высококачественной слюды. Наибольшее применение получили слюды мусковит и флогопит. В период активного использования слюдяного сырья основным применением было его использование в качестве электроизоляционного материала. В настоящее время многие...
Анализ современного состояния вопроса переработки низкокачественных цинксодержащих концентратов показал, что наиболее привлекательными являются гидрометаллургические методы, которые позволяют вскрывать данное сырье, минуя стадию предварительного обжига.
Применение способа прямого выщелачивания низкокачественных цинксодержащих концентратов растворами серной кислоты выявил некоторые важные...
The concept of “asymptotic stability” implies the ability of geosystems to change the expediency of their development in accordance with the changing environmental conditions, being outside of human control. These objective conditions play a fundamental role for understanding the management principles connected with global geo-ecological processes. In era of powerful technogenic activity, it...
The concept of sustainable development of human civilization – the problem status and the research objectives
The attempts to scientifically comprehend the global threats to humanity took place back in the 1970s, with the appearance of the Club of Rome's “The Limits to Growth” research. The conclusions of the study, which laid the ground for international discussion of the problem, were that...
Анализ статистических данных и динамики производства и импорта сахара в России показывает устойчивое развитие отрасли за последние 15 лет. На первом этапе – 2010 г, уменьшился импорт готового сахара, на втором этапе – 2015 г, полностью отказались от закупок сырья.
Рост мощностей свеклоперерабатывающих заводов и высокая продуктивность отрасли стали результатом инвестиций последних лет....
Assess the availability of fresh drinking water in Lakes: Lake Baikal and Lake Nyasa. This deep rift Lakes of the world. At present, the water quality has a profound impact anthropogenic factor. Identified indicators of anthropogenic influences on these ecosystems.
Global Navigation Satellite Systems is the significant means to get the information of position and time. Since 1985 China has been working on the theoretical research and technical test its own navigation satellite system. According to the development and actual situation of national economic, this system is planned to be established in three steps or phases: demonstrational system, regional...
Aiming at the reasonable malposition of extreme extreme close coal seam when combined mining under the condition of the composite roof of the Daanshan coal mine,the upper and lower coal seam of shaft 10 slots located in the +400 m level of Daanshan Coal Mine was selected to study the malposition of extreme close coal seam when combined mining under the condition of the composite roof.The...
The method of geodynamic zoning in China has undergone three periods of development – "the entry, development and innovation". With the help of this method, a model of the geological structure of the earth crust plate and coal mine is created. On the basis of geodynamic zoning the program of analytical system of rock stress is developed. On the basis of internal communication of the influence...
Среди многочисленных техногенных месторождений, появившихся на территории нашей страны в результате добычи и переработки природного минерального и органического сырья, существенное место занимают отходы лесной и деревоперерабатывающей промышленности. На долю кусковых и мягких древесных отходов, образующихся при лесозаготовительных работах, механической и химической переработки древесной массы,...
В настоящее время все актуальнее становятся вопросы экологической безопасности нашей планеты. Во всем мире накопилось огромное количество отходов, преимущественно, горного производства. В тоже время, некоторые отрасли промышленности, в частности стройиндустрия, испытывают дефицит высококачественных сырьевых материалов. Обладая хорошими физико-механическими показателями, отвальные породы могут...
Global environmental problems of climate change as a result of anthropogenic impact on nature are firmly among the most debated issues at the international level. An increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere leading to negative consequences has led to the need to develop new products and production methods characterized by lower СО2 emissions than traditional...
The basin of lake Khubsugul has not yet been affected by human influence (75% of endemics in ecosystem) and can serve to recreate and decoding of the model of the standard' nature system.
A comprehensive study of ecological functioning features of the soils, formed on outputs of phosphorites' layers of Ongolignur deposit of Khubsugul phosphorite basin of Baikal rift zone was conducted. It was...
The aim of research is to carry out the assessment of pyrogenic load and vegetation recovery dynamics after the fire event in 2016 within the drained bog site in Gavrilovka River basin. Specifically, the objectives of this study were to: 1) perform a retrospective analysis of the water-thermal regime according to monitoring data on the nearby site 2) estimate zone of contamination by...
The commissioning of a hot water boiler house at ZAO “Sawmill 25” was another major step in increasing of efficiency of the integrated use of wood raw in the enterprise. It required efficiency assessment of burning bark and wood fuel in the combustion chambers of PR 8000 boilers.
For this purpose, the comprehensive energy audit of boiler house equipment was carried out, the biofuel mixture as...
The North-West of Russia possesses huge wood resources reserves, therefore the issues of the most efficient use of wood biomass are relevant for this region. The implication of wood biofuels into fuel and energy budget provides an opportunity to reduce the negative impact of power industry facilities on the environment and preserve the potential of non-renewable fuels for future generations....
Изучение химико-биологических основ взаимоотношений между насекомыми и патогенными организмами является актуальным вопросом в области экологической химии и представляет интерес для разработки экологически приемлемых методов контроля численности насекомых-вредителей. Известно, что функции эпикутикулярного слоя меняются в течение жизненного цикла насекомого. На ранних стадиях развития личинок...
В развитии цивилизации и всего живого рента является автомодельным источником энергии, вещества и информации. Биосистемы формируются и развиваются за счет создаваемой ими ренты. Энергетическим источником для этих своеобразных автономных биопроцессов служат Солнце и Земля, в совокупности с фундаментальными законами взаимодействия, создающими направленный процесс динамики систем. Ими обусловлен...
Typification of water bodies is an important issue in connection with their diversity. Two their categories — natural and artificial, above all, stand out. Rivers, lakes, etc belong to the first category. Reservoirs etc relate to the second.
Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of runoff for rivers are of particular importance in the study of natural water objects. The report presents...
Typification of water objects is an important issue in connection with their diversity. Two their categories — natural and artificial, above all, stand out. Rivers, lakes, etc belong to the first category. Reservoirs etc relate to the second.
Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of runoff for rivers are of particular importance in the study of natural water objects. The paper presents...
Water scarcity is one of the major environmental issues with increasing impacts on human life and economic development. Due to the growing discharge and diversity of industrial pollutions, water quality degradation and ineffective regional water allocation have been identified as important causes of water scarcity. Regional water scarcity becomes a host of complex issues related to the...
Подпорин С.А., Холопцев А.В.
Россия, Севастополь, ФГАОУ ВО «Севастопольский государственный университет», Севастопольское отделение ФГБУ «Государственный океанографический институт имени Н.Н. Зубова»
Значительная часть природных ресурсов, потребляемых человечеством, локализована на побережьях Мирового океана, вследствие чего для прибрежных районов неизменно актуальным является непрерывное...
Modern Engineering Geology, as a science that studies the geological environment, is have of great importance for the justification of environmental management.
Environmental management implies the regulation of human activities to engage in the consumption of natural resources, such as lands, forests, mineral resources, water objects etc. In addition, nature management includes the...
The work shows the history of the development of the profession of a specialist in the field of labor protection, from the beginning of the 20th century in the Russian Empire for the first time began the training of specialists in occupational safety at the Peter the Great Institute, St. Petersburg. The professional duties of a specialist in the field of labor protection are specified in...
Betulin 1, lup-20(29)-ene-3β,28-diol, also known as betulinol, betuline and betulinic alcohol (Fig. 1), is a pentacyclic triterpene alcohol with a lupane skeleton. Common structural features of the lupane skeleton are its five-membered ring E.To date, it has been reported that betulin, a pentacyclic triterpenoid present in the bark of white birch, has anti-cancer, antibacterial, antifungal,...
Бетулин 1(Луп-20 (29) -ен-3, 28-диол), также известный как бетулинол, бетулин и бетулиновый спирт (рис), представляет собой пентациклический тритерпеновый спирт с лупановым скелетом. Структурной особенностью скелета лупана является его пятичленное кольцо Е (рис).
До настоящего времени сообщалось, что бетулин – пентациклический тритерпеноид, присутствующий в коре белой березы, обладает...
Дизельное топливо является одним из наиболее распространенных видов моторного топлива, которое, помимо автотранспорта применяется на маломерных судах, энергетических установках. Для обеспечения надежной и экологичной работы дизельного двигателя, необходимо топливо определенного состава, характеризующееся заданными физико-химическими и эксплуатационными свойствами.
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