Search for the main sources of losses in the blast smelting process of lead production

Sep 18, 2019, 4:35 PM
Малый конференц-зал, 1 этаж

Малый конференц-зал, 1 этаж

Oral Sustainable Use of Natural Resources/Рациональное природопользование Sustainable Use of Natural Resources/Рациональное природопользование


Marzhan Sadenova (EKTU)


Strategic direction in the development of metallurgy is to increase labor productivity, the integrated use of raw materials, the extraction of valuable components and the improvement of product quality. One of the main steps to achieve the objectives of the lead production is the processing of lead-containing industrial products and additional recovery of valuable components. Improving this process will increase the processing efficiency of concentrates, increasing the efficiency of metal recovery.
Many researchers have devoted their time to solving similar problems. A list of works of researchers was reviewed. In 1993 they developed a method for processing low-quality lead-containing materials. By improving the processing of lead materials, the extraction of related components with a minimum specific yield of process gases, low energy costs. In 2002 other researchers developed a method for processing lead waste containing precious and rare metals. The result of this method was lead bullion and a concentrate of rare metals, from which noble and rare metals can be extracted.
The aim of the work is to analyse the flowsheet of the pyro-metallurgical processing of lead-containing poly-metallic ores, in order to identify the main patterns and factors that can have a significant impact on the optimisation of the existing technology, allowing increasing the resource efficiency by integrated use of the raw materials.
It is expected to increase efficiency and productivity of the smelting process and to increase lead output by reducing losses.

Affiliation of speaker Восточно-Казахстанский государственный технический университет им. Д. Серикбаева
Position of speaker доцент

Primary author


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