Largest rift Lake Baikal and the world: Nyasa as repositories of freshwater on the planet

Sep 19, 2019, 9:00 AM
Малый конференц-зал, 1 этаж

Малый конференц-зал, 1 этаж

Oral Sustainable Use of Natural Resources/Рациональное природопользование Sustainable Use of Natural Resources/Рациональное природопользование


Valentina Verkhozina


Assess the availability of fresh drinking water in Lakes: Lake Baikal and Lake Nyasa. This deep rift Lakes of the world. At present, the water quality has a profound impact anthropogenic factor. Identified indicators of anthropogenic influences on these ecosystems.

Affiliation of speaker Иркутский национальный исследовательский технический университет
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