The historical development of human civilization has shaped a completely justified life axiom: if you want to achieve something, work hard. And it is true, without making efforts a person, quite logically, will not be able to satisfy his or her basic needs, to acquire the necessary material goods and services in the absence of money. Yet in fulfilling their labor functions, people find themselves in the workplace environment with harmful and hazardous factors that can lead to negative consequences for health and life, and this is especially of relevance in the light of the recent pension reform in Russia. It is perfectly reasonable to believe that each and every production activity is not able to manage without raw materials that are provided by certain industries, one of which is mining. A procedure for assessing occupational hazards exists precisely to identify negative workplace factors and then take corrective actions. In this paper, the assessment was carried out for enterprises producing natural recourses of strategic importance for Russia, i.e. oil and coal. We estimated occupational hazards using the method of assessing individual occupational hazards for employees of mining enterprises in the Irkutsk region and measures to reduce them.
Effective solution of labor protection issues, compliance with labor protection and industrial safety requirements, introduction of new, more advanced methods for organizing safe work will significantly reduce occupational risks, improve working conditions at mining enterprises and prevent significant financial costs that mining companies bear for compensation payments and employee benefits, as well as the consequences of accidents and occupational diseases of employees.
Affiliation of speaker | Иркутский национальный исследовательский технический университет |
Position of speaker | First category teaching assistant |
Publication | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science |