Optimization modeling in the selection of key performance indicators in problems of management energy saving

Sep 18, 2019, 2:15 PM
Панорамный конференц-зал, 6 этаж

Панорамный конференц-зал, 6 этаж

Oral Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency/Энергосбережение и повышение энергетической эффективности в строительстве и ЖКХ Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency/Энергосбережение и повышение энергетической эффективности в строительстве и ЖКХ


Andrey Preobrazhenskiy (Voronezh institute of high technologies)


In the formulation of the optimal choice problem, a technique is used that provides the possibility of coordination of energy saving management in the system based on the selected indicators.
Depending on the stage of the energy system life cycle, the following classes of indicator values may differ: target values of indicators; forecast values of indicators; planned values of indicators; actual values of indicators.
Decisions are made on the basis of comparison of target and actual, planned and actual values, as well as analysis of the dynamics of indicators.
The content formulation serves as a basis for the formation of an optimization model for the selection of indicators of the deviation control problem. The full set of indicators of efficiency of process of operation of power system and operating influences is considered. Further, expert ranking of the set of control actions is carried out, characterizing their importance to compensate for the deviation of the actual values of the relevant indicators from the planned ones, with the determination of the value of the ranks changing at the appropriate intervals. Visual image is a choice of two of rank of the situations in which jumps of the generalized sums of the ranks corresponding impact. This allows us to divide the control actions into 3 groups by the level of significance of the impact on reducing the deviation of such an indicator: significant, average, insignificant.
Alternative variables are introduced and an optimization criterion is formulated that provides the requirement to minimize energy consumption.
The boundary conditions are related to the requirement that at least one control action with a significant level of significance should correspond to each indicator.
As a result, a single optimization model is formulated.
The problem solving procedures are based on randomized dichotomous reduction as an iterative algorithm.

Affiliation of speaker Voronezh institute of high technologies
Position of speaker professor

Primary authors

Andrey Preobrazhenskiy (Voronezh institute of high technologies) Prof. Igor Lvovich (Voronezh institute of high technologies) Prof. Oleg Choporov (Voronezh state technical university) Prof. Yakov Lvovich (Voronezh institute of high technologies)

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