Pesticides can be part of the wastewater of agricultural enterprises and settlements associated with crop production. They can have a negative impact on the processes of biological wastewater treatment. Once released into the environment, pesticides can be stored and accumulated in ecosystem components. Moreover, in the case of the persistence of poisonous chemicals, their concentrations increase as they move along trophic chains. This ability causes their high biological hazard to natural environments. Based on the above, the effect of the herbicide Gezagard (active ingredient – prometrin, 500 g / l) and fungicide Kolosal (active principle – tebuconazole 250 g / l) on the dynamics of electrical indicators of microbial fuel cells was investigated. As a bioagent for MFC, active sludge from sewage treatment plants on the right bank of the Angara River in Irkutsk was used. The design of MFC, the method of their assembly and fixation of electrical indicators are described in [1]. It was shown that the test pollutants reduced the electrogenic activity of sludge in MFC at a content of 0.1 g / l in the waste water. The investigated toxicants in the indicated concentrations significantly inhibited the dehydrogenase activity of the sludge microorganisms and the total microbial number. At the same time, the colosal fungicide had a more pronounced negative effect on all studied parameters than Gezagard. The higher toxicity of the “Kolosal” compared with “Gezagard” was previously shown by us on other test objects [2]. There is a positive relationship between the results of the evaluation of the electrogenic activity of the sludge and such classical methods of its analysis as dehydrogenase activity and total microbial number. This suggests that the ability of sludge to generate electric current in the MFC can be used as one of the parameters for assessing its physiological state. In addition, in the case of mono-composition of pollutants, MFC with activated sludge can be used as a tool for the primary non-specific assessment of wastewater contamination by pesticides.
This work was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (project RFMEFI58317X0060 “Bioremediation and bioconversion of waste using a complex of photosynthetic organisms and heterotrophs in aerobic and anaerobic conditions with bioenergy generation”).
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Affiliation of speaker | Иркутский государственный университет |
Publication | Journal of Cleaner Production |
Position of speaker | научный сотрудник |