Micrococcus luteus and Serratia marcescens, as a new association of bio-agents for microbial fuel cells

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Малый конференц-зал, 1 этаж

Малый конференц-зал, 1 этаж

Oral Enviromentally-Frendly Energy Conversion and Supply/Экоэнергетика Enviromentally-Frendly Energy Conversion and Supply/Экоэнергетика


Mrs E.Yu. Konovalova (Irkutsk State University)


Microbial fuel cells make it possible to generate electricity by eliminating and using wastewater components. For these purposes, the most viable microbial associations in microbial fuel cells. The presence of strains of different microorganisms allows you to consume a much wider range of compounds. Multicomponent makes them more resistant to the negative effects of stressful environmental factors. An example of such associations are silt sediments of biological treatment plants. The purpose of this work was to create a new microbial association. Microbial association was formed from previously isolated strains from activated sludge from the petrochemical plant, Micrococcus luteus and Serratia marcescen. Model wastewater was taken as substrates. The generation of electricity was carried out in microbial fuel cell models that we developed. These designs allowed access to the contents of microbial fuel cells without violating sterility and anaerobic conditions in the anode chamber. In the experiments, the voltage, current in microbial fuel cells were measured and the power was calculated. Along with this, the charge of the electrodes, the pH and the Ox-Red medium were determined. Experiments have shown high electrogenic activity when working together with Micrococcusluteus and Serratiamarcescenochosts for a good variety of the proposed bioagent complex. The search and isolation of energy-efficient strains and the compilation of a new consortium from them will not only increase the current output in microbial fuel cells to more significant values, but also bring such microbial fuel cells into the category of promising developments for alternative energy.

This work was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (project RFMEFI58317X0060 “Bioremediation and bioconversion of waste using a complex of photosynthetic organisms and heterotrophs in aerobic and anaerobic conditions with bioenergy generation”).

Affiliation of speaker Иркутский государственный университет
Position of speaker ведущий инженер
Publication Journal of Cleaner Production

Primary authors

Mrs E.Yu. Konovalova (Irkutsk State University) Dr L. Barbora (Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati) K.I. Chizhik (Moscow State University of Civil Engineering) D.I. Stom (Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Baikal Museum of the Irkutsk Science Center of the SB RAS)

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