Mining and metallurgy industry is traditionally one of the main “suppliers” of technogenic wastes. The existing technologies for processing mineral raw materials are rather labour-intensive and energy-consuming processes, including mining of ores from the entrails, concentration and processing. It causes ecological problems due to formation of big amount of industrial wastes: slags, slimes, and others.
Current environmental legislation of Kazakhstan prescribes realization of integral approach to collection and processing of industrial wastes and contribution to the development of environmental protection technologies. The emphasis is placed on the recycling of wastes – their returning into production process for further use and production of new materials.
The paper also discusses some approaches to assessing the possibilities of processing solid waste from titanium-magnesium production with the production of materials for various purposes. Compositions, structure, and properties of titanium-magnesium production solid wastes have been studied. Samples of building materials (concrete, filling mixtures, etc.) have been produced and tested.
Experiments on the dosing of molding material for the synthesis of ceramics in the form of granules and granules, suitable for use as catalysts carriers for catalytic gas cleaning, have been carried out. Peculiarity of metallurgic wastes is presence of considerable amount of silicon, aluminum, and iron oxides. Using different technological methods, ceramic materials with prescribed properties are synthesized. The produced samples of new materials meet requirements for mechanical resistance, thermal and frost resistance and other characteristics demanded from the similar products.
As ceramic products are made mostly from natural materials (gypsum, cement, clay and others), the priority goal is the possibility to return technogenic wastes of metallurgic production into technological cycle. Wastes recycling enables partially to replace natural materials intended for construction industry, (to reduce consumption of expensive portland cement), to reduce considerably gypsum production and to decrease production cost of consumable goods.
Affiliation of speaker | Восточно-Казахстанский государственный технический университет им. Д. Серикбаева |
Position of speaker | ведущий научный сотрудник |
Publication | Journal of Cleaner Production |