Esterification of tall oil fatty acids by n-butanol in the presence of ion exchange resins

Sep 19, 2019, 10:15 AM
Панорамный конференц-зал, 6 этаж

Панорамный конференц-зал, 6 этаж

Oral Green Chemistry/Зеленая химия Green Chemistry/Зеленая химия


Александр Говорин


Studies of the process of esterification of tall oil fatty acids with n-butanol. Ion exchange resins of three types were used as a catalyst. The research is aimed at the development of technology for the production of motor oils and additives to them on the basis of tall oil fatty acids esters.

Fatty acids of tall oil of the Bratsk pulp and paper mill of the mixed type (deciduous and coniferous breeds of wood) which parameters are given in table 1 were used for synthesis of esters. The analysis of the obtained samples was carried out in the Research center – quality control Department "Angarsk petrochemical company".
For the synthesis of esters by esterification reaction with n-butanol, we used fatty acids of tall oil of mixed type, having higher values in density, viscosity, viscosity index, acid number and produced at the enterprise in large quantities
The esterification reaction of tall oil fatty acids with n-butanol (ratio 1:3 by weight) was carried out at a temperature of 100-115 °C for 110-130 minutes before the cessation of water release. As a catalyst, ion exchange resins of 3 types in an amount of 5% by weight of fatty acids were used. As a result, an intermediate product was obtained. A low acid number (>0.05 mg KOH/g) indicates an almost complete conversion of the acid into a ester.
The use of butyl esters of tall oil fatty acids as motor oils is limited by their low kinematic viscosity, but in other parameters, butyl esters of the gastrointestinal TRACT significantly exceed the motor oil of Motul Specific 0W-30. It is also known from the literature that: "tall oil fatty acid Esters can be used as lubricants with good biological decomposition (approximately 98% in 21 days – according to the test CEC L-33-A-93) and non-toxicity»

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Affiliation of speaker Angarsk petrochemical company
Position of speaker Technologist
Publication IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Primary author


Nikolai Konovalov (Irkutsk National Research Technical University) Mr Nicolai Gubanov

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