Sep 18, 2019, 2:00 PM
Poster Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency/Энергосбережение и повышение энергетической эффективности в строительстве и ЖКХ Постерная сессия 1


Mr Roman Krimov


An important characteristic of the quality and reliability of networks and facilities for water supply and wastewater disposal is the cost of their operation and maintenance, i.e. the cost of maintaining and restoring their operational status and resource during operation. It is well known that the costs of labor and funds for the maintenance and repair of networks and structures, during their operation, exceed the corresponding costs for the construction of networks, facilities and equipment manufacturing. The number of specialists involved in the construction of networks and structures and the manufacture of equipment for water supply and sanitation systems and specialists engaged in the maintenance and repair of the same networks, facilities and equipment are in the same approximate ratio. For example, the cost of maintenance and repair of pumping equipment in the Republic of Crimea for 5 years of their operation is more than 3 times higher than the cost of their manufacture.
It is necessary to indicate the other side of the problem. The consequence of long downtime of water supply and sanitation systems, caused by the elimination of accidents arising from their operation, and hence, great loss of time for repairs, is a great economic damage caused to the water-utility sector as a whole.
There are two main reasons for significant downtime and labor and maintenance costs for maintenance and repair of water supply and wastewater systems:
a) technical imperfection of the designs of water supply and sanitation systems with regard to their adaptability to maintenance and repair during operation;
b) the imperfection of the organization of the system for the maintenance and repair of water supply and wastewater systems, as well as the technology for carrying out the work carried out in the process.
When developing projects for water supply and sanitation systems, as well as pump and other equipment designs, it is supposed to maintain their operational condition and resource by carrying out a certain set of works included in the maintenance and repair. Consequently, the networks and structures of the equipment used must be adapted to this work. In other words, given the current technical condition of the water supply and sewage networks, the basis for their reliability is maintainability.

Publication International journal «Resource-Efficient Technologies»
Affiliation of speaker Academy of Construction and Architecture of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «V.I.Vernadsky Сrimean Federal University»
Position of speaker Старший преподаватель

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