Sep 19, 2019, 12:50 PM
Панорамный конференц-зал, 6 этаж

Панорамный конференц-зал, 6 этаж

Oral Clean Technologies and Environmental Protection Systems/ Проблемы экологической безопасности и системы защиты среды обитания Biotechnology Contribution for Sustainability/Экологическая биотехнология, зеленая экономика: проблемы и перспективы


Irina Kuznetsova (Vladimirovna)


Coal mining in the form of an open and underground method accompanies land disturbance, changes in the terrain, and the formation of a technogenic landscape.
In these conditions, it becomes urgent to develop new scientifically based approaches to the restoration of technologically disturbed agrolandscapes with high productivity of land based on the formation of technologies for mining and remediation, comprehensively ensuring the stabilization of quality and conservation of soil resources.
In the Irkutsk region, coal mining is one of the main extractive industries. The estimated coal resources are 27.9 billion tons. The explored balance reserves of coal (14.7 billion tons) are represented mainly by black coal (11.7 billion tons). Coal reserves in the region at current production levels are 600 years.
Development projects on land recultivation made on the basis of existing standards specifications, taking into account climatic conditions. Recultivation works usually have two main stages - technical and biological.
The use of biological remediation methods by covering the surface with a fertile soil layer or having fertile rocks requires considerable costs.
Therefore, particular importance of research aimed at developing cost-effective ways to restore the biological productivity of disturbed lands. The main goal is to create sustainable plant communities, with the aim of improving environmental and sanitary conditions in the placement of the coal industry.
Recently, the most popular are methods of recultivation when conducting biological stage is to stimulate active and effective overgrowing anthropogenic soil formations
The use of mycorrhizal fungi has become widespread. It discloses a method for reclaiming post technogenic land, including land application of organic fertilizers and sowing of perennial grasses. Research experiments have shown the possibility of using a ugleothodov ugleudobreny to accelerate the accumulation of humus in coal tailings.
Special development, both in Russia and abroad, has received the use of microorganisms, whose function is to transfer difficult forms of nutrition for higher plants.
Conducting recultivation is a necessary exercise, because the reclamation of disturbed lands is of great economic and environmental importance because of the shortage of land resources and the negative environmental impact of industrial development.

Position of speaker graduate student
Publication Journal of Cleaner Production
Affiliation of speaker Irkutsk National Research Technical University

Primary author

Irina Kuznetsova (Vladimirovna)


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