Assessment of environmental risks to the health of the population of the southern Baikal region.

Sep 18, 2019, 4:35 PM
Большой конференц-зал, 1 этаж

Большой конференц-зал, 1 этаж

Oral Clean Technologies and Environmental Protection Systems/ Проблемы экологической безопасности и системы защиты среды обитания Clean Technologies and Environmental Protection Systems/ Проблемы экологической безопасности и системы защиты среды обитания


Ivanova S.V.


The Baikal region is industrially developed. There are various industries: forestry, petrochemical, metallurgical, fuel and energy, and others. The southern Baikal region is more affected by metallurgical production, the emissions of which have a negative impact on the health of the population living even at a considerable distance from the object of pollution.
The aim of the study was to assess non-carcinogenic risks to the health of the population living in the southern Baikal region. On the territory of this district there are large areas of forest ecological systems, and human settlements are removed from each other over long distances. A risk assessment was performed based on the calculation of the hazard ratio according to the method HQ R The results of the study showed that the emissions of aluminum production have a negative impact on the health of the population living not only in the immediate vicinity of the object of environmental pollution, but also at a considerable distance from large industrial centers. To improve the environment and reduce morbidity, comprehensive measures are needed to reduce the content of harmful chemicals in the air.

Affiliation of speaker Иркутский национальный исследовательский технический университет
Position of speaker доцент

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