The effectiveness of dual hot water systems using solar vacuum collectors in the Northern Territories

Sep 18, 2019, 2:00 PM
Poster Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency/Энергосбережение и повышение энергетической эффективности в строительстве и ЖКХ Постерная сессия 1


Mr Yurii Krivoshein


Analysis of the efficiency of solar energy use by dual hot-water supply systems using solar vacuum collectors in the urban district of Zhatay of the city of Yakutsk. The mnemonic scheme of the kindergarten hot water system is presented. The results of measuring the temperature of the coolant in the supply and circulation pipelines by hours, the schedule of flow of hot water in the supply and circulation pipelines, the schedule of heat energy consumption by the hot water system are presented. The graph shows the percentage of heat generation by solar collectors and the consumed heat energy from the heat network in the dual hot water system.

Affiliation of speaker Research and Production Association "The introduction of energy-saving technologies"
Position of speaker director
Publication International journal «Resource-Efficient Technologies»

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