Actual performance of aluminium heating appliance determination

Sep 18, 2019, 5:50 PM
Панорамный конференц-зал, 6 этаж

Панорамный конференц-зал, 6 этаж

Oral Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency/Энергосбережение и повышение энергетической эффективности в строительстве и ЖКХ Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency/Энергосбережение и повышение энергетической эффективности в строительстве и ЖКХ


Anna Novozhilova (NArFU)


Aluminium heating appliances are widely used in Russia. They are popular due to the advantages, such as high heat transfer at relatively small sizes, low weight, optimal ratio between thermal power and cost, aesthetic appearance. However, manufacturers do not provide enough data on the heating appliance thermal power to accurately determine the heating surface in the designed heating systems, in particular, the connection method of the appliance is not taken into account. At best, it will lead to waste of thermal energy and overheating of the room, which does not comply with the energy saving policy. It is necessary to remember that the manufacturer provides the section or device power without specifying the connection method. The published heat transfer only corresponds to unilateral and diagonal "top-down" connection schemes. In some cases, for example, when the radiator is connected in a “bottom-down” scheme, the load on the radiator decreases and there may be underheating of the rooms.
Thermal power deviation from the experimental points does not exceed 5% according to decree [1]. Thus determination of actual characteristics of the heating devices, taking into account their connection scheme is an actual task.
The article presents the results of research of radiator of the ROYAL Termo Evolution type, it was made on request from company specialising in heating systems design. The actual thermal power of the section is independent of the flow rate, exceeds 11% of the value, declared by the manufacturer, with a unilateral connection method and coincides with a diagonal one, was determined experimentally. Thermal power decrease of 14% with the coolant flow rate up to 0.038 kg/s and decrease of 33% with an increasing up to 0.06 kg/s should be taken into account in a "bottom-down" connection scheme.

1. Binding certification of all types heating devices: market_news/obyazatelnaya-sertifikaciya-vseh-tipov-otopitelnyh-priborov
2. GOST 31311-2005. heating devices. general specifications. Moscow, Standartinform Publ., 2006

Affiliation of speaker Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov
Position of speaker доцент
Publication IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

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