Несчастные случаи на объектах электросетевого хозяйства

Sep 18, 2019, 2:00 PM
Poster Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency/Энергосбережение и повышение энергетической эффективности в строительстве и ЖКХ Постерная сессия 1


Mr Oleg Kustov (The Irkutsk national research technical University)


Currently, there is a dynamics of growth of accidents (NS) at power facilities. According to the Ministry of energy of Russia, Information and analytical information on injuries [1], the number of accidents with employees of power grid enterprises:
- 2016 has occurred 50 NS 6 fatalities and 4 group;
- 2017 has occurred 56 NS 14 of them were fatal and 4 group;
- In 2018, there were 86 NS of which 9 were fatal and 5 group.
Not only employees of electric networks, as well as employees of management companies and citizens not associated with the electric farm are injured at power grid facilities.
The most dangerous objects of power grid energy [2] are: power lines, distribution boards and transformer substations (TP).
The boundary of the balance sheet and operational responsibility between the network company and the Manager is TP, the point of delivery [3]. TP is owned by electric grid companies, from the substation electricity is supplied by the management company to the point of connection to the electrical network of the consumer.
The scheme of connection of consumers from TP is similar to European standards IEC 60364-5-52 and differs from North America, where TP serves one house or a small group of houses according to the standard of the National Electrical Code of the USA, consisting of 140 articles.
Over the last period of 2017-2018, a number of fatal accidents of young victims were recorded in the territory of the Irkutsk region and the TRANS-Baikal territory.
Expert studies reveal the causes of negative events. It should be noted the same root cause of accidents – unhindered access to the premises TP.
In accordance with the PUE [4], the Safety of maintenance personnel and unauthorized persons shall be ensured by the implementation of the protection measures provided for by the measures:
- compliance with the appropriate distances to the live parts or by closing, fencing live parts;
- application of locking devices and enclosing devices to prevent erroneous operations and access to live parts;
- application of warning signs, inscriptions and posters;
- the use of devices to reduce the strength of electric and magnetic fields to acceptable values;
- the use of protection means and devices, including protection from exposure to electric and magnetic fields in electrical installations, in which the tension exceeds the permissible limits.
According to paragraph 1.7.68 PUE Fencing and shell must be securely fastened and have sufficient mechanical strength.
However, this requirement is fulfilled only by 50%. During the reform of the energy system, the network companies took on the balance of TP issued during the Soviet Union to which these requirements were not imposed. About 80% of TA in the regions have been in operation for more than 25 years.
The locks on the TP entrance doors do not have the required degree of secrecy. TP buildings are not equipped with a potential equalization system.
The condition of the distribution systems not equipped with protection, automatic shut-off only works on network congestion, devices and instruments in the building of TP is not grounded.
The TP check is performed by visual control with taking readings of the total current load meters to ensure consumers, the rules and regulations of the status check do not comply with the recommendations.
The conducted expert studies have revealed General violations of the operating mode.
Self-control is ineffective, according to PTAAS head independently approves a schedule for regular monitoring. Currently, there is no mandatory single requirement for the frequency of inspections, the list of mandatory control measures, regulations and frequency of inspections.
Analysis of the causes of the NS leads to the conclusion that it is necessary to develop and approve a single standard for the organization of periodic control, since the guidelines are not mandatory.

List of references
1. Information and analytical report on the injuries. The Ministry Of Energy.
2. Order of 27.01.2015 № 30/PR "Reference book of basic prices for design work in construction "Energy facilities. Grid facility.»
3. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 27.12.2004 N 861. "About the approval of Rules of non-discriminatory access to services in transfer of electric energy
4. Rules of electrical installation (PUE)

Affiliation of speaker ИРНИТУ
Position of speaker доцент
Publication Журнал «ХХI век. Техносферная безопасность»

Primary author

Mr Oleg Kustov (The Irkutsk national research technical University)

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