Study of occupational health risks in Irkutsk region

Sep 18, 2019, 2:45 PM
Большой конференц-зал, 1 этаж

Большой конференц-зал, 1 этаж

Oral Clean Technologies and Environmental Protection Systems/ Проблемы экологической безопасности и системы защиты среды обитания Clean Technologies and Environmental Protection Systems/ Проблемы экологической безопасности и системы защиты среды обитания


Elena Khamidullina (Irkutsk National Research Technical University)


The aim of the article is to study statistical patterns of occupational health risks changes in Irkutsk region and to identify factors that exercised the greatest influence on such changes. Statistical tools such as retrospective analysis, Shewhart control charts, linear regression analysis were used in the study. The retrospective analysis included 2011-2017 period and was performed both for Irkutsk region in general and municipalities of Irkutsk region. Shewhart control charts were built by all kinds of occupational accidents and occupational diseases in order to identify systemic causes or random variation of damaging to the health of the employees. Linear regression analysis were used to establish if there was a correlation between the rate of occupational injuries and a financing of labour protection measures. It was shown that injury risk and death risk have tended to decline in 2011-2017 in Irkutsk region in general. But just since 2014 there have been an increasing of ratio injury cases to death cases. This fact demonstrated real decreasing of the severity of injuries. Statistical modeling by design of Shewhart control charts showed that it could be said that there are systemic causes for non-fatal injuries. So, we need to identify these causes. Using Shewhart control charts it was noted that there is statistical manageability by occupational hazards for fatal injuries. In this case there is natural variability inherent in casual processes. Modelling of linear correlation between the rate of occupational injuries and a financing of labour protection measures revealed high inverse link between the rate of occupational injuries and the financing of training in labour protection. The resulting data testify to maximizing common interest of employers in quality training in labour protection. These results can help in optimizing of occupational safety costs.

Affiliation of speaker Иркутский национальный исследовательский технический университет
Position of speaker assistant professor
Publication IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Primary authors

Mrs Anastasia Podkoritova (master degree student) Elena Khamidullina (Irkutsk National Research Technical University)

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