On the experience of conducting of the republic’s competition for “The Best Labor Protection Specialist of the Udmurt Republic”

Not scheduled
Большой конференц-зал, 1 этаж

Большой конференц-зал, 1 этаж

Poster Clean Technologies and Environmental Protection Systems/ Проблемы экологической безопасности и системы защиты среды обитания Clean Technologies and Environmental Protection Systems/ Проблемы экологической безопасности и системы защиты среды обитания


Boris Sevastyanov


The issues of organization and conducting of the republic’s competition for "The Best Labor Protection Specialist of the Udmurt Republic" are considered. The goal and objectives of the competition, the conditions for participation in the competition, the procedure and stages of the competition are given. The topics of the test assignments and competition works in the stages of the competition as well as the criteria for evaluating the competition works are given. The works of the competition winners are annotated.

Affiliation of speaker Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University
Position of speaker зав. кафедрой

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