Sep 19, 2019, 2:00 PM


Mrs Fedorova Svetlana Fedorova


Mica is a large group of minerals characterized by perfect cleavage, that is, the ability to split into very thin leaves with a flat surface. They are also thermally and chemically resistant, little hygroscopic and in thin leaves flexible, elastic and transparent. A special low-melting glass, which has the ability to actively interact with fine-crystalline mica at temperatures below the mica degradation temperature, is used as a binder in the micalex. In the molten state, it should wet the mica and, during hot pressing, glue the composite together. The glass used for the production of mikalex is an expensive component, it contains toxic fluoride compounds harmful to humans, respectively, there is a need to replace the binder with a cleaner ecological parameters and cost-effective binder. Production and preparation of glass for micaceous composites undergoes a series of beneficiation operations. In the process, it was determined that the crushing can be completed after the first stage. A special low-melting glass, which has the ability to actively interact with fine-crystalline mica at temperatures below the mica degradation temperature, is used as a binder in the micalex. The glass used for the production of mikalex is an expensive component, it contains toxic fluoride compounds harmful to humans, respectively, there is a need to replace the binder with a cleaner ecological parameters and cost-effective binder. In the process, it was determined that the crushing can be completed after the first stage. Glass is a rather fragile material. As a result, the destruction of pieces of glass will occur with a small amount of medium voltage. After crushing, screening, magnetic separation, the waste of the glass industry was mixed with chemical additives. Thus, a new glassy binder was obtained which is an environmentally and economically advantageous material.

Affiliation of speaker Иркутский национальный исследовательский технический университет
Publication Публикация только в материалах конференции
Position of speaker доцент

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